Who enjoys artificial sweeteners?

in Hive Learners2 months ago

My Love Hate Relationship with Christmas

image source: Dall-e

Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I love my Coca-Cola. Also if they really know me they will know that I usually mix my regular cola with diet cola to make a mix that has less calories than the regular and tastes less artificial than the diet. It is the best of both words.

But then again, what does that have to do with Christmas? As a Christian I know the original meaning of the day. Or at least what is supposed to represent. The birthdate of Christ, the basis of our faith. Then again, it is not the real birthdate as the actual day is never mentioned in our Bible. It is more a symbolic date (ask and I'll tell you the symbolism of Dec 25th otherwise I'll leave that for now).

To me Christmas has nothing to do with Santa, Reindeer, Snowmen and sentimental songs from generations gone by. The lights, the glitter, the sappy movies and constant refrain of family and gifts all become so much noise to distract from the meaning I hold dear as a Christian.

However, just like my Coca-Cola a mix can make things better. I like the original meaning as that holds a deep spiritual side for me. I enjoy the gift giving and getting together with family as I enjoy the memories I've made on Christmas over the year.

But as I get older I'm seeing the balance shift too far towards the artificial side. Or perhaps the commercial side. Or perhaps the corporations using sentimentality to try and get us to spend more money. Whatever it is, it seems very sweet, but leaves a bad aftertaste. Hmm.... much like artificial sweeteners.

How I'll spend my Christmas

The most important thing I'll be doing over Christmas will actually happen in about an hour from now on Christmas Eve. I'll be heading to church to sing carols, listen to the story of Jesus birth, and be with fellow Christians.

The second most important thing will be done after the service. We will be having friends come over for a turkey dinner with an awful lot of other food to follow. Time to catch up with people we care about and enjoy a happy time without work.

Tomorrow will be about family and spending some time together. The stores won't be open. The restaurants (mostly) shut. So there won't be pressures to 'get stuff done' and I can just enjoy time with my wife and kids. Or at least time once my wife gets home (she works in a hospital and people still get sick on Christmas).

There will be a few gifts. I'll make phone calls to family who lives far from me. However, I'm not falling for the corporate Christmas trap.

The dark side of Christmas

Looking around I'm not impressed with Christmas has become. A month of sappy Christmas songs. Decorations everywhere and the constant refrain of buy for your loved ones. The pressure to make family memories. The pressure to "be happy and joyful". It makes me sad.

Why? Because not everyone has a family. Not everyone has a happy family that they care to be around. It is a little like Valentines day....when you are single....but it lasts a month. A constant reminder of what you don't have.

Then there are those people who aren't Christians. Having a religious holiday stuffed down your throat from a religion that is not your own. That's not what Christians are all about (or at least not this one). Recently I was in the Philippines and they have all the decorations up and "White Christmas" and similar songs playing on the radio....but really? There isn't going to be a white Christmas there ever. Then songs like "Holy Night" and such where a fair portion of the population is Muslim. Seriously? Something seems just wrong with that.

Perhaps a quieter would be better

In the end I'm saddened by all the hype, all the noise, and all the lights. Couldn't the holiday season just be a lot quieter and more serene? Less advertisement and more quiet. Keep the time away from school so children can enjoy the end of the year with their families? Just like an "!" finishes off a great sentence. Perhaps a winter holiday can add an "!" to the families year? But quiet the marketing. Quiet the background carols. Keep the time off and make it possible for everyone to end the year on a high note.

Perhaps its just me but I enjoy my mix of coca-cola and diet cola. I like my mix of my religion and my family in the Christmas season. But it seems that every year the mix gets just a little more artificial.

Or maybe I'm just getting cynical in my old age.

I'd love to get your thoughts and thanks for reading this far.


 2 months ago  

Thank you :)