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RE: DLM Santa Is Back Once Again! GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! 100 HIVE!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Thanks @dlmmqb for this wonderful gesture of love

You have been a wonderful friend, listener, adviser, I dare to say parent. I wish you a great new year in peace, harmony and good health in 2023, cause you have always had the time to give me ears whenever i needed someone t talk to. I pray your new year is filled with love and all the better things of life you ever desired for. It's great to be in contact with a lovely person like you🥰🥰My first wish goes to @jamesrussell

Thanks for being a great sister, always introducing me to many opportunities including hive, cause. Through hive I
Got to know and make new friend here also to learnt things. Thanks for being an amazing being, so I wish you a prosperous new year and may all your heart wishes come to pass, may you always see joy everywhere you turn to head to 🥰🥰@jessicaossom

 2 years ago  

It is odd that @jessicaossom and you both misspelled @jamerussell.

Did you copy names from her just by changing one name who picked you? It looks that way. Anyways gifts are sent.

 2 years ago  

It's probably because of how we pronounce his name.