 2 months ago  

That’s why you will have to go for checkups guy. 😂

 2 months ago  

Why the (s) nah??

 2 months ago  

Take it like that. 😂

 2 months ago  

Say please

 2 months ago  


 2 months ago  

Then me too

 2 months ago  

Go joor. 😂

 2 months ago  

I hate the smell of hospitals

 2 months ago  

Guyy! 😭😭😭

 2 months ago  

You too?? 😺😺

 2 months ago  

Yes oo. 🥲

 2 months ago  

And they don't give lollipops in Nigeria hospitals 🫠🫠🫠

 2 months ago  

So if they give lollipops you won’t mind? 😂