Just like a farmer often keeps on checking the condition of their crops and fields to spot diseases on time and a businessman occasionally audits their accounts to evaluate their performance and to spot the loss-errors timely, similarly, medical check-ups are also very vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular medical check-ups ensure that there is no underlying disease inside the body. Low mobility and low mortality ratio in the developed world is due to the system that promotes occasional screening and medical check-ups and apprehends the disorders on time.
Medical check-ups include regularly visiting physicians and psychiatrists to evaluate one’s body condition by describing what you feel. Moreover, it also includes blood tests to assess deficiency of any useful nutrient or body constituents or the presence of any harmful and toxic constituent. Through discussion with physicians and medical check-ups, we get to know about our physical, physiological, and psychological condition and get necessary treatment on time, if needed.
In low-developing countries, people struggle for food. They hardly manage the bread for two times. And in this scenario, it becomes impossible for them to bear the burden of health expenditures. They live a hand-to-mouth life where they are unable to even get themselves and their loved ones treated. The health cost disturbs their whole budget and that’s why they do not prefer to spend money on check-ups. Rather they opt to just earn and eat, neglecting their health condition.
The idea of making regular check-ups mandatory like taxation sounds good but its success depends on the methodology being used. If it is being imposed on the private expense then this mission will not succeed because just like people try to escape the tax net, they will also not pay heed to such medical check-ups as it will put them under great financial pressure. To ensure the habit of regular check-ups apart from strict imposition, a favorable atmosphere must also be created.
For example, using the following techniques the regular medical checkup culture can be promoted.
Making regular check-ups free:
Usually, people do not go to doctors because they cannot afford it. The high expense of physician appointments, transport expenses, and medicine and treatment costs, put them in a great financial quagmire which disturbs their whole budget. The government should make regular check-ups free to ensure public compliance.
Raising awareness:
Free of cost medical check-ups can attract a large number of people as it costs them none to screen them but still many people hesitate and doubt on government’s intention as is the case of the polio vaccine which is free due to funding of international government and non-government organizations but people refuse to get their people vaccinated thinking it is some sort of conspiracy. So awareness is also the key and educational institutes are the best platforms to raise awareness.
Ensuring availability of medical facilities:
Non-availability of medical facilities and doctors in far-flung areas is also an important factor that discourages the routine of medical checkups. The mobile health units are an important source to address the issues of such areas. By properly arming mobile units, the availability of health services in remote areas can be ensured.
It is solely the responsibility of governments to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates of their countries. High mortality and morbidity rates are due to late diagnosis of disease which makes its apprehension very difficult. Medical check-ups can be very handy in the early diagnosis of diseases. This culture cannot be promoted by strict measures and stringent laws but proper education and facilitative steps are needed to bring people to healthcare institutes. Low education, poverty, and other socioeconomic problems are to be addressed first to ensure this.
This is my blog for #hl-exclusive and #hl-w156e2.
A checkup is carried out just to detect any form of sickness in the body. Although the money involved may be the reason for people not going for regular checkups
Health is first priority check should be done every year.
I still don’t understand why people joke with their health knowing fully well they don’t have extra life somewhere. Well, if only the government could make medical checkups compulsory and also include punishments for those who refuse to do then most people will be able to prevent themselves from untimely death
Well they don’t take it serious because they can’t afford it ao if it is made affordable then surely we will see great improvements
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