Apology-"I'm sorry" is actually powerful and the person has to be genuinely remorseful, also, the recipient has to be open and willing to receive the apology for total reconciliation to take place.
Making peace is good but you need to let the person know what wrong he or she has done because that is how the person can learn and become better. Also, if it is someone who always finds it difficult to say "I'm sorry or I apologize for"... then it will be good if you tell the person the importance of apologizing so that he or she can learn and implement it.
Popped in from dreemport, being a #dreemerforlife
It's a two-way street, though. The person accepting the apology needs to be in "forgiving" mode. I know a few scorpions that are never in this mode 😅🤣😂
You're right.
Hahaha... Scorpions! I can imagine.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Cheers 🥂