For one thing, I didn't know was workplace burnout. I always see it as stress, but then workplace burnout is also a result of stress. I'm the kind of employee who tries to prioritize myself in every given situation, though some days aren't always like that.
There are days you'd be faced with a certain level of workload that you'd start questioning yourself like "Where did all this work come from" Even while working I'd sure to create time for other things like eating when it's necessary, I know somebody who works and forgets if they've eaten or not "well, I am not like that" even if it passes the time I must look for a way and eat that food then I would be refreshed like morning fresh and then I would continue my work.
Talking about work burnout, I know someone who works and forgets about herself. Well, thats our secretary at the office, often you'd hear us telling her "Ma, have you eaten?, go and eat before continuing" Often she would be like "I will eat, let me round up this project, it kind of urgent" after some minutes when I come back to her office, I'd still realized that she hasn't eaten.
Sometimes, the food she came with to the office, she would take it back to the house. She is trying to make things work in the office, but then that doesn't mean starvation. Personally, I can't starve myself because I'm working. What if I work without eating and faint at the office, my boss is likely to blame me for not eating.
Workplace burnout is likely to make us hate our jobs; even currently, some people don't like their jobs but are still there because they need to make money, and then bills are there staring at them.
One way to avoid workplace burnout, which has always worked out for me, is to prioritize myself. I know that might sound selfish, but why prioritize yourself when you are working for an organization? Always learn to give the body what it wants at every given time, I know the workload is there staring at us with a bombastic side eye "yes" that is inevitable but then prioritizing ourselves is gonna enable us to attend to office tasks that are important at the moment, mind you every task is important but then at the moment the most important one should be done.
Know what needs to be done at the right time, and give yourself some time to relax, when the body is hungry "feed it with food" When the legs are tired and need to be stretched "stretch it" take a walk around the office premises, let that sweet natural breeze blow you and blow away some work-related activities from the mind and focus on nature.
Like what I do, my kind of work doesn't require me to work on weekends, so during those days, I set the boundaries. I don't engage in work-related activities during the weekend; I take my mind off it and engage in my hobbies. I go out with friends, see the world outside my workplace, and engage in things I love doing.
Then when it is Monday, I develop the Monday mindset and start working on office-related activities, I set my goals on what I want to achieve for the week and work towards that I don't have to pressure myself into getting things done because I've allotted different time for every activity, now that is gonna keep me focused.
Thanks for reading 🧡
Money is the primary reason why most people stick to their jobs even when they don't like it... and not liking the job is already a free ticket to being burned out ... we just need to find a way to love what we do or change jobs.... your secretary must be getting a fat cheque at the end of the month xd
I had a burnout myself, not eating and always working. It stoppen when I got really sick and doctors gave me three months to live. I hope many people will read your post, because it stays a kind of taboo !INDEED !HOPE
Work is important, but if we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t even have the strength to do the work. Some people forget to eat or rest because they want to meet deadlines, but what happens if they break down? The work will still be there waiting. I like how you prioritize yourself, eating when necessary, resting when needed, and setting boundaries. That’s the best way to stay strong and avoid burnout. Some people don’t realize they’re overworking themselves until it’s too late.