If taxes were being used for the items stated when getting the definition, I don't think anyone would be complaining about paying taxes, because when you see that your little input to the government is being used for something important "you'd be glad" but when reverse is the case "would you like to continue?" I am waiting for your response.
I didn't know paying of tax was important till I got a job, when my first pay came "certain percentage" was deducted (I wanted to panic) but then they said "It is always good to ask questions" so I asked the senior accountant and she said "the money deducted was for tax which is to be remitted to the state government".
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I didn't get angry that my money was deducted but then when I sat down and reminisced back to the reason for the deduction, I asked myself certain questions, and the first one was: "Is tax even worth paying in my nation?" And if it's worth paying "how is it of any benefit to me?" Cause I've never heard anyone testify of how the taxes that they have been paying had helped them in any form.
What is tax?
It is a compulsory levy imposed by the government on its citizens. Now when you go to the internet and read about tax in Nigeria " they said it is used to provide jobs for the citizens, not just that and build public medical centers" and lastly it is used to fund the government tertiary education system.
The government has made the payment of tax mandatory for every citizen, your level of earnings doesn't matter, and as long as you are working "you are automatically eligible to pay tax" Now it's been extended to business owners as well. Businesses whether small or big are taxable and if these businesses do not pay their tax even for a month, you'd notice the tax force agents hanging around the premises "doing God knows what".
Tax is very important in a nation, but then how is it of any benefit to its citizens, I heard in some countries after paying taxes for a while, you get to benefit from these taxes during old age but my nation wasn't built like that.
In my nation, there is something known as pay as you earn " PAYE" This is a tax levy paid to the state government for the betterment of the state, just like the name implies "pay as you earn" Everyone's earnings are calculated using the same method and percentage but what differs is the fact that everyone doesn't pay the same amount because of their earnings "which is different".
Now is it fair? Well, it isn't, before now not every income was taxable but currently, every earning is taxable "The amount doesn't matter" In my opinion the rich should be entitled to a higher percentage when it comes to the payment of taxes. The rich should be taxed more percentage, well, it shouldn't be too much though "I'm being considerate" cause they have other responsibilities to take of like family just like every other person.
Thanks for reading🌹
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
If it were me. I would be concerned. Because why shoujd I keep letting out my hard earned income and not getting anything in return. That’s unfair.
Yeah!!! It is but then it's been made mandatory and there is nothing I can do about it.
I hold the opposite opinion, there should be no compulsory taxation, when you look it straight in the face, it's a form of partial slavery.
Also, the higher the income the lower the tax should be. In a free economy, where each person decides how to allocate their money, the people providing the most value to other people will be earing the most income. This means they are benefitting other people (society) more than those with a low income. Therefore this behavior, providing value to other people, should be encouraged with lower taxation, rather than discouraged by higher tax rates.
In addition, these high earners are generally business owners who are providing work for other people and creating value for everyone in the society by manufacturing or creating new products. If they have more money to work with, they can provide even more opportunity and value. These people are the true pillars of a productive and thriving society and should be treated with utmost respect and admiration for the incalculable value that they bring to our lives.
Without these people innovating and building, the world would be stuck in a perpetual dark age.
That's a great point you have there, business owners pay the highest tax, I can say from the current private company I'm working with, that the amount of tax the company pays sometimes is disheartening.