Saudi Arabia is my dream for travel

in Hive Learners2 days ago


I'm back with you again I hope you are fine there! All of us must have a goal of traveling to a country to enjoy the beauty of nature, culture and historical places there, whether it's just for traveling or wanting to stay longer there, it would be very happy if that dream could come true


I have a dream place or country from the past until now and if later I have a golden opportunity I will travel and visit it, that place is Mecca and Medina which are in the Arab country, it would be very happy if I went there with my beloved family, I could feel the extraordinary travel experience together

Of the many countries why do I like Arabia? This is not just a religious call or an obligation as a Muslim to perform the hajj, this is my choice to like Arab countries because they have abundant natural resources, friendly people, have historical places that are religious symbols and most importantly it is very safe there by still adhering to the kingdom system so that the country is very authoritative, its people think with a very sane mind without being influenced by nicotine, marijuana and alcohol because all of this is forbidden in Arab countries

The first place I will visit when I am there is to visit the historic building, namely the Kaaba Baitullah because for me this is the most special place and I will also visit all the historic areas of the Safar and Marwah hills, visit all the mosques there, especially the Grand Mosque

What makes Arabia my main choice is that apart from being a rich Arab country, it also has fertile land. I often see videos from content creators from Indonesia on Facebook. He often uploads videos about the lives of the Baduy Arab community which reflects that they are not crazy about wealth and riches, they prefer to live simply and harmoniously and gather together even though they have a lot of wealth

Baduy Arabs choose live as farmers, they have luxury cars like Lexus but they take them to the desert and herd camels and park them in the fields of date palms and watermelons which is my inspiration. They live not chasing wealth but they live only pursuing blessings from Allah so they are not enslaved by wealth

If there is an opportunity for me to become an immigrant or even become a resident there then I would prefer to move there, maybe there I will feel justice and the absence of corruption. I hear a lot about the implementation of law in Arab countries there implementing beheading penalties for serious criminals and corruption, good management of natural resources by the Saudi Arabian government so that it can be felt by the public

Arab countries have natural wealth in the form of oil and gas and also have very extensive date palm plantations, making them very advanced in the economic sector and every year there are Hajj and Umrah pilgrims who carry out the Hajj and Umrah from all over the world, making Saudi Arabia have a lot of state income from that every year and also the people around it have a very large turnover, they rent out hotels to Hajj pilgrims and also other facilities.

It has wide employment opportunities so that it creates people there I don't find it difficult to get a job and the salary there is quite high compared to my current area, the salary there is far above the minimum wage in my area, has good customs and habits and is friendly in receiving guests, the local people are very good at treating their guests and are kind to each other and also to others

Maybe from all these considerations, I am interested in choosing Saudi Arabia to visit and also live there if possible,




Saya kembali lagi bersama anda saya harap anda baik baik saja di sana! Semua kita pasti memiliki tujuan traveling ke suatu negara menikmati keindahan alam budaya dan tempat bersejarah disana baik itu hanya untuk melancong atau ingin tinggal lebih lama di sana, akan sangat bahagia bila impian itu bisa terkabul

Saya memiliki tempat atau negara impian dari dulu hingga sekarang dan jika nanti saya memiliki kesempatan emas saya akan bepergian dan mengunjunginya tempat itu adalah Mekah dan Madinah yang berada di negara Arab akan menjadi sangat senang apabila saya kesana bersama keluarga tercinta bisa merasakan pengalaman bepergian yang luar biasa bersama sama

Dari sekian banyak negara mengapa saya menyukai arab? Ini bukan hanya panggilan religi atau kewajiban sebagai muslim untuk melaksanakan haji, ini adalah pilihan saya menyukai negara arab karena memiliki sumberdaya alam yang banyak penduduknya ramah memiliki tempat bersejarah yang menjadi silbol keagamaan dan yang paling penting disana sangat aman dengan masih menganut sistem kerajaan sehingga negara itu sangat berwibawa, masyarakatnya berfikir dengan fikiran yang sangat waras tanpa di pengaruhi dengan zat nikotin ganja dan alkohol karena ini semua di haramkan di negara arab

Tempat pertama yang akan saya kunjungi saat berada di sana adalah mengunjungi bangunan bersejarah yaitu ka'bah baitullah karena bagi saya ini adalah tempat yang paling istimewa dan saya juga akan berkunjung ke semua daerah yang bersejarah bukit safar dan marwah mengunjungi semua mesjid yang ada disana terutama mesjidil haram

Yang menjadikan arab adalah pilihan utama saya adalah selain negara arab kaya disana juga memiliki tanah yang subur saya sering melihat vidio dari konten kreator yang berasal dari indonesia di facebook dia sering mengunggah vidio tentang seputaran kehidupan masyarakat arab baduy yang mencerminkan tidak gila harta dan kekayaan lebih memilih hudup sederhana dan rukun serta saling berkumpul walaupun mereka memiliki kekayaan yang banyak

Arab badui memilih hidup menjadi petani, mereka memiliki mobil mewah seperti lexus namun mereka membawanya ke gurun dan mengembala unta serta di parkir di ladang ladang kebun kurma dan semangka yang menjadi inspirasi saya mereka hidup tidak mengejar harta namun mereka hidup hanya mengejar berkah dari Allah sehingga mereka tudak di perbudak oleh harta

Jika ada peluang untuk saya menjadi imigrasi bahkan bisa menjadi penduduk di sana maka saya lebih memilih pindah kesana, mungkin disana saya akan merasakan keadilan dan tidak adanya korupsi saya mendengar banyak tentang penerapan hukum di negara arab disana menerapkan hukuman pancung bagi pelaku kriminal berat dan korupsi, pengelolaan sumberdaya alam yang baik oleh pemerintahan arab saudi sehingga bisa dirasakan oleh masyarakat

Negara arab memiliki kekayaan alam berupa minyak dan gas dan juga memiliki perkebunan kurma yang sangat luas membuat mereka sangat maju di bidang ekonomi serta setiap tahunnya ada jamaah haji dan umroh yang melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umroh dari seluruh dunia membuat arab saudi memiliki pendapatan negara yang sangat banyak dari itu setiap tahunnya dan juga masyarakat yang berada di sekeliling itu memiliki omset yang sangat banyak mereka menyewakan hotel kepada jamaah haji dan juga fasilitas lainnya

Mempunyai lapangan kerja yang luas sehingga membuat masyarakat disana tudak merasa susah untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dan gaji di sana termasuk tinggi jika di bandingkan dengan daerah saya sekarang ini gaji di sana jauh melebihi upah minimun di daerah saya, mempunyai adag dan kebiasaan yang baik dan ramah dalam menerima tamu masayarakat dusana sangat baik dalam memperlakukan tamu tamunya dan berlaku baik sesama dan juga orang lain

Mungkin dari pertimbangan itu semu membuar saya menjadi tertarik untuk memilih arab saudi untuk saya kunjungi dan juga berdomisili disana jika memungkin kan,


 2 days ago  

Saudi Arabia is a very beautiful place to travel 🧳 to @yuliadi . It has lots of history and monuments for sight seeing.

Am happy too of how you mentioned the people are friendly and welcoming. It’s something so great when traveling, knowing you will be welcomed

However, the job opportunities over there is another thing that is amazing. Many who wants to relocate for better job opportunities will have this in mind.

Wishing you the best in your dream country.

Cheers to the weekend 🥰💕

 2 days ago  

Thank you 🙏 I hope I have the opportunity to travel there

 2 days ago  

I've equally heard and read too many beautiful things about the Arabian zones, so it's no surprise why anyone would love to go there. I would want to, too.

 2 days ago  

That's right, I also often read and hear about the comfort and facilities there.

Arab countries' natural resources, simple lifestyle of people, important economic aspects like OIC and good rule of law—these can be attractive reasons to live there. In particular, the way you appreciate the lifestyle of the Bedouin Arabs is truly inspiring.

May your dream come true one day, and you get a chance to travel to Saudi Arabia with your family. May Allah bless you with that. Amen

 2 days ago  

Amen, hopefully my friend, this is a prayer for me from you, hopefully my family and I can go there soon to perform the first Hajj pilgrimage and will go around seeing historical Islamic sites, if it is destined that I can live there, I will be very happy

 2 days ago  

Was really curious about Mecca but seems like non- Muslims are prohibited to go there by what I read.

 2 days ago  

I don't know about that, but there must be certain rules in a certain area, thank you😁🙏

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 2 days ago  

My love for Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦. I will also want to visit it for the reasons you listed. It really going to be a nice experience

 2 days ago  

Thank You🙏