What is this bright light shining in my eyes? Come on its to early for this kind of prank, I really do want to rest, remember we went for crossover night last night, and now I need to sleep...
I didn't realize that I was talking to nobody than myself; the bright light shining in my eyes was the ray of the sun passing through the window above my head directly on my face harshly...
I am yawning and stretching with a smile on my face, you want to know why? Because there was a reminder that it was just the new year, and guess what reminded me; it was my mom's fried rice and chicken passing through my nose, I don't know why that has to happen to me, early morning temptation...
I called it a temptation because I haven't brushed my teeth and yet I'm yearning and lunging for the food with desperateness...
Wo I can't come and kill my self, na my house I kuku dey, make person no come disturb me... Who wan even know say I never even baff or brush teeth?
I have to caution my self, and I was like: even if I want to eat, at least give God some thanks for another year, and another month and another week, and another day...
I had no choice than to take my time to say thank you to God and after then I can go to devour the whole kitchen...
I rushed to the kitchen just after the prayer, and I ate until I was too full to walk again, but as a man, I had to recover on time and then rested for a while.
And just after I rested, I heard some noise from the gate, it sounded like people I knew, it sounded like my friends, and I was like yo! It's time to go down...
I got dressed immediately, and then we went out to do what friends do, you know what I am talking about right?
Oh that's right, let me tell you more about my friends.
I met them last year September in a Free Photography Workshop FPW organized my Motive Africa Visual Academy MAVA, they help teach people photography for free, they believe that lack of resources should not be your reason of not doing what you love doing, they want to be the bridge from where you are to where you want to be...
And guess what, this brand has helped me a lot, both in photography and in other varieties of life in general.
This are my friends and I am so happy to be part of them; and guess what, the next batch of the FPW Free Photography Workshop is taking place this month, on the 16th of this January 2023, at fagba Lagos...
We ordered a ride to cravings n' more eatery where we spent the rest of the day chilling, laughing, educating ourselves on different lifestyles, cultures, and life in general, so it was not just for fun, but also educative...
As for the fact that we are photographers, we took as many pictures as possible, for the fun of it though, and to remember that faithfully and delightful day, the first of January 2023..
It was already getting late and many of us were living far, we had to depart, I didn't want to leave, and I knew some others too didn't want to leave as well, but what choice do we have than to go back to our parents house...
That was how I spent my day, and I got home and had the remaining fun with my wonderful family; they started by saying I wasn't going to eat that night, and I was like why not, and my dad was like sheybi you went out to have fun, why will you still eat, you no eat enough were you are coming from?
I couldn't laugh out more...
It just broke my heart that all of these which I have said was just an imagination of how I would have loved to have spent my new year if I had the chance and capacity to do so, it was painful because it was just the Hive learners Weekly Featured Contents
Week 43:- Edition 02:-
But guess what, it's alright, it will come to pass soon...
Everything was an imaginary story apart from the fact that MAVA, Motive Africa Visual Academy will be holding her next batch FPW Free Photography Workshop, the 6th batch, and if you a interested, you know what to do...
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Thank you all for your time, I appreciate a lot, remain blessed...
Dear @zara09,
Our previous proposal expired end of December and the Hivebuzz project is not funded anymore. May we ask you to review and support our new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/248)?
Thank you for your help!