#SublimeSunday is created by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.
Prelep sunčan dan.Proleće se oseća u vazduhu.Otišla sam na placu da provedem dan u prirodi.Trava se malo zeleni a vesnici proleća su tu.Proviruju prelepi cvetići plave žute i bele boje.
A beautiful sunny day. Spring is felt in the air. I went to the square to spend a day in nature. The grass is a little green and the newspapers of spring are there. Beautiful blue, yellow and white flowers are peeking out.
Čuje se i cvrkut ptica.u mojoj basti pupi kajsija.
The chirping of birds can also be heard. Apricots are budding in my garden.
I ruze su krenule svoj razvoj.
And roses have started their development.
A ovo prelepo cveće cveta
And these beautiful flowers are blooming
Sedela sam u basti,malo sam radila,skupljala suvo lišče i uživala u pogledu na planine i ovo prelepo cveće.
I sat in the garden, worked a little, collected dry leaves and enjoyed the view of the mountains and these beautiful flowers.
Tamo sam i ručala i odmorila sa i napunila baterije za sledecu nedelju.U povratku sam videla zalazak sunca i ove sarene boje na nebu.
There I had lunch and rested and recharged my batteries for the next week. On the way back I saw the sunset and these colorful colors in the sky.
Bila je ovo jedna lepo provedena nedelja u prirodi.
This was a nice week in nature.
Pozdrav od vaše Dorike
Greetings from your Dorike