Making things grow

in Always a Flower2 years ago


The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men, it is said, have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough.

- George Edward Moore -

Growing things brings me happiness. Gardening is not something I've recently discovered but in the last couple of years, I've rediscovered a passion I'd not indulged in for far too long. I planned what I was going to do and enacted the plan soon after with great results both in what I grew and the enjoyment I found through growing. I toiled there, nurtured and cared for my plants, and they returned in kind with fruits and vegetables I get to eat or trade for other things; it's a nice arrangement that endures.

I have to carefully plan how I use the available space and need to find a balance between plants that provide food and those that exist simply to look good.

I stay home a lot preferring home over going out; I like the comfort of my own space and when I have company I can choose it rather than share a space with random people I don't know. I wouldn't say I entertain a lot although I have gatherings from time to time but generally it's me and one other who spend the most time here and I like to provide a space that feels welcoming, comfortable and natural, inside and out.

There's a special feeling gained from sitting in one's own garden enjoying it so much that a valid reason to leave cannot be found; it's that feeling I've worked hard to create and I think I've managed it judging by the remarks I get when people come over.

I was sitting outside this afternoon after spending some time wandering about my garden looking at my plants, pulling a weed or two and keeping tabs on my vegetables...I might have pulled a strawberry or three off the plants and ate them too. It was just kind of nice, relaxing, which is something I need at the moment all things considered. I was sitting on one of my wrought iron garden benches opposite a lavender bush and realised just how prolific its growth was; I'd only trimmed it a couple months ago and it was bursting with blooms.

The bees buzzed all over it and I wonder how I'd not noticed that it was literally inundated with flowers. I guess I've been focused on my vegetables lately so completely failed to notice. It smelled wondrous really, and that's when I decided I'd bring some inside - no bees though, they had to stay outside.

I might have overdone it totally went over the top because my house now smells like it's made out of a lavender bush! I mean every room of it, but that's ok the girl loves the smell of lavender and she was pretty impressed with my flower arranging skills too, although I get the impression she was just being nice. It went down very well though and I earned a good deal of brownie-points which I'll cash in at some stage when I do something dumb. I'll be like, but you remember when I brought all that lavender in and you told me how thoughtful I was and what a great gardener I was?

Seriously though, I will do something to warrant that line at some stage, it's inevitable.

I like the fact I'm multi-faceted and have the ability to do and be many things that some may feel don't combine so well. It's a strength I believe and is certainly something that those whom I allow to scratch the surface and know me value, or so they say.

I don't know about all that really, it's for others to perceive me as they see fit, but what I know for sure is that I love my garden and the time I spend in it. I am not the most knowledgeable gardener although I do a reasonable job at it and it repays me in kind, over and over. I love making things grow and whether I find success or failure, the enjoyment abounds. Afterall, I made those lavender flowers you're looking at above grow, so I can't be all that bad at it right?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

I photographed the image in this post.


I have been neglecting the garden here. I have lots growing around my truck which I tend too, but the garden, well I have had so much going on at the moment and I just had to spend that time doing other things. But oh do I miss it.
I love the lavender arrangement, less is definitely more for me when it comes to that sort of thing. I bet you are sleeping well with that wonderful aroma filling the house.
Hope you are keeping well @galenkp, wishing you wonderful weekend xxxx

I hope you find time to spend in the garden, I know it's value. We all have commitments though, sometimes we have to prioritise right? The garden will be there when you're ready, and I think it'll welcome you back.

I'm ok, thanks for asking. I hope you have a great weekend ahead.

I completely understand! I too thought your arrangement was very pretty - you chose the right vessel and I love that the stems don't touch the bottom, a nice touch. A large clump of lavender would be a thing of wonder. I planted three lavenders ("provence" I think. what variety is yours? I love it) and am amazed at how fragrant it is, all year long. I've left the dried up flower heads on and still catch of whiff of lavender just passing by. When I crush them, the fragrance is quite strong, almost better than the fresher flowers because they can be a bit much, as you have seen.

A house smelling of lavender that you grew, tended, cut and arranged. I like that image of you. I must admit, I would never have taken you for a grower of flowers.

Lavender is such an interesting flower I think, so many varieties. I can't recall the type mine is, but have it written down in my gardening book so will find it.

I like having some colour around so I grwo flowers. I guess I have about a 50/50 split of edible plants and ones that simply look good; both types bring me the same satisfaction.

I bundle up the lavender and keep some on the bedside table, it helps me sleep I think, but it could be psychological thing I guess if it works though, I'll take it.

I must admit, I would never have taken you for a grower of flowers.

I do a lot of things, much of which never makes it to the blockchain. My thought is that life is too short to hold back, one must reach out and grab it rather than let it float by. Growing things is me doing just that, although it's just one way I do so.

Thanks for your great comment.

It was my pleasure. I forgot to say it's nice to hear you talking, albeit obliquely, about a woman in your life. I'm happy for you.

You're a sweetheart, thank you.

Y'know, at least lavender smells really nice. I've a couple bushes out front and always enjoy walking by them when they're blooming.

Sounds like you've found a way to enjoy some peace.

It's a nice fragrance indeed, and looks effective also. I have a few potted outside but my main one is in the ground and it's a bloody legit looking thing when in full bloom.

Your house would have smelled amazing! And apparently it helps sleep so maybe you’ll sleep better too 😆

Yeah it's pretty nice. Soothing.

It does help me sleep and that's always a good thing considering my sleep isn't altogether good mostly. It's not a miracle cure of course, but makes ok sleep better, and bad sleep less bad. 😁

Your lavender looks wonderful, I love the contrast between the green and purple. It's one plant that you can go totally overboard with cutting back and it likes it and puts out more.

I personally like lavender in small doses. I use lavender fragrance oils in some of the things I make and the smell can be quite overpowering, but boy do I sleep well on those nights.

My niece asked me a few days ago if I still put real lavender in my baths and I replied "no my angel, I don't have a lavender bush anymore" and she said "that's okay, I'll get you one". I thought it was such a sweet gesture. Giving and recieving lavender will never get old, so you did a good thing and I'm glad your girl likes it.

Enjoy your garden, it's a wondrous thing to experience.

It's legit huh? I like the smell but yeah it can be overpowering so I'm careful to handle with care, like I do when I handle explosives and donuts.

I've never had lavender in a bath, but I had lavender brownies once, and they were legit! (I'm not joking, I wrote a post about it.)

🤣 like handling explosives and donuts. You're so fun.

Lavender in a bath is amazing, you sleep so well afterwards. You had lavender in brownies? That's awesome. I haven't had lavender in anything edible but I have eaten flowers that were baked into biscuits once when I went to a talk on edible flowers. They were good biscuits, I could have eaten a whole heap of them, so can imagine lavender brownies to be just as good.

Yep, lavender brownies, I'll find the post for you. Also, lavender cordial...So bloody good!

Ooh now that I wouldn't mind trying. Lavender cordial sounds amazingly good.

It tasted like lavender, unsurprisingly. 😊

My garden is almost entirely a wasteland; but for a lone plumcot tree I planted a few years ago. It has 5 fruits currently; and I'm hoping for A: a sweet treat, and B: Substantially more than 5 fruit from future harvests.

Haha, yeah that happens I guess, mother nature can be cruel at times...but hey, five is better than four. You'd get some nice blossoms on that tree right? That's something to take away I guess, although not as enjoyable as smashing down sweet juicy fruits.

May you have more plumcots than you can handle in future years. I'll be happy to alleviate the burden by taking some. It's a win-win.

The more I read your posts the more it seems to me that we are very similar in character. However speaking of Gardening when we arrived here in this new house the garden was so...


after a lot of work we managed to get to this result..


Obviously they could not miss the barbecue and wood oven I love making pizza!


Wood oven pizza is amazing! Many people have wood ovens here actually, we have a very strong Italian community in Australia. In fact, Australia is an incredibly diverse place, and one can get virtually any food from around the world, it's something I love about it.

Maybe we'll be able to come to Australia.. then maybe we'll stop eh eh!

I think you'd like it here.

Idon't know about all that really, it's for others to perceive me as they see fit, but what I know for sure is that I love my garden and the time I spend in it. I am not the most knowledgeable gardener although I do a reasonable job at it and it repays me in kind, over and over. I love making things grow and whether I find success or failure, the enjoyment abounds. Afterall, I made those lavender flowers you're looking at above grow, so I can't be all that bad at it right?

I use to say that, is not all we do in this world that we will it. Since happiness is a choice. You make yourself happy in what you doing. Your flowers are so beautiful. I love it. No wonder you who make them grow find more happiness in doing it because you saw them grow from the start.

I probably can't take all the credit for these flowers, mother nature helped a little, but it worked for my post I guess. I'm just happy to have the ability to grow things and to feel the enjoyment of doing so. I'm grateful I'm alive.

I am greatful to God who made everything possible

I'm non-religious so I thank nature.


I do share the same passion for plants, though I rare animals too. Some people actually think am a loner but they dont know how much I enjoy tending to my farm, same love everyday.

Plants can be good friends, animals too, until they get eaten.