Put On A Pansy Face!

in Always a Flower4 years ago (edited)

It’s Saturday morning! These flowers greeted me this crisp fall morning.
Pansies have always reminded people of little faces.
I bought myself this pot of pretty purple pansies to put on my table that I can view outside my kitchen window every day.







The wonderful thing about pansies is they can live through the winter; as long as we don’t have a really hard freeze.
By that I mean, if it’s not below 32 degrees F for more than 24 hours, then pansies can survive.
Of course I could cover up this pot of pansies if I know that it’s going to be that cold and I probably will do that!

Here’s some more info about pansies

Have a Blessed Day!


November 6, 2020
All original photographs


This is thoroughly beautiful I mean look at that patch of white on that purple, always exciting to wake and see this.

Thank you, I agree!

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you!

We love pansies and their cute faces here. :))