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RE: Hive For Noobs

in Hive Marketing2 years ago

the community didnt do shit lol it was blocktrades and the witnesses who got their asses kicked and didnt like it and without asking anyone they changed the name and gave us money and so no one complained but no one asked the "community"

we should have kept the name steem and fought for ut and labeled old steem a scam and kept the fucking steem name and just fought for it and the boockchain world would have sided with us and we coule have keptbthe steem name which is still better than hiv i mean hive lol

but look hive should be forked again and again and again theres too much hive in the hands of a few people at the top who just upvote their friends and their boring posts the same peopoe over wnr over get uovoted while anyone who tries to get on front page even without buying upvotes gets downvoted it sucks and thats why no one wants hive ad why hive cant even hit 1 dollar lol

btc weht to 60 thousand...and hive was only 3 bucks

btc was 20 thousand and steem was 8 bucks after 2 years

after 2 years hive wasnt even where steem was

hive still has some big big problems

tou cant just fix things with one fork done out of anger and butt hurtness

justin sun took over fair in square thats blockchain ...if the whales had done it they woule hwve said thats tough luck but when something bad hapoens to them they trued to literally sue and did lol

they are hypocrits and we need to stop acting like the outside world cares about hive

hive should focus on Advertising and charity

what mcsamm is doing now if hive supported that more like it should and his posts were given 1000 bucks a day and his hivedao propodals goven 1000 a day etc tjen maybe the world wouod see hive is worthy

but steem probably did more charity work than hive from what i remember

hive has this problem of tribalism and nepotism and people addicted to making a tiny bit of bitcoin everyday and never going against the whales ideas or risking downvotes

well im not afraid to tell hive to its face what it needs to change

if hive listened to me there would be a much higher price right now

we need to also work cloeser with antelope and we need to fork hive and have more conoeting hive fork groups

there has ro be more people who have a larger stake in their own fork of hive so we end up with a website that looks better than this ugly red for stop condensor hive blog and peakd? i cant even use it on mobile its only working on desktop...not even a place to just login with a posting key

hive doesnt even have a temporary posting key feature and keyless entry yet

whats hives plans to scale? when hive is $100 will we expect people to pay 4 hive or $400 plus another 15 or $1500 just ro have hp to post?

is that why people dump whenbthe price goes up?

a lot or people got way too nuch free hive fr9k the steem fork

they shoule have kept a lot of inactive users frok ever getting the hive fork drop

we should br promoting hive with paid ads like jerey banfield but i see no hivedao proposals for any twitter facebook ig or newspaper ads

we ahould promote hive for schools and use it to let kids ro honework and have kid safe front rnds highly moderated etc

we should be sending people to pay cnn and cnbc and fox business to get on and debate people on live tv

someone who actually owns most if the hive which is centralized btw, should be the one to do this

for example i shoukdnt have to do all thidnwork for my hive car ad projrct with stickers etc

that should have been done a long time ago

i should have been sent a hive t shirt years ago

we all should have had a hive t shirt appear at our door

during steem i had people actualy fome to my house and give me computers ledgers t shirts silver diamond steem chains dude inhavent gitten anything from hive but a gold ring so far

lol i mean thats still nice but still we have way too much work to do

everyone on hive should be on hive red alert and we shoud have sheilds up and prepare to engage the borg

we should have had a front end that looks like reddit

of course instead of people realizing im right and we will never finish attaining peefection theyll think im being anti hive and downvite me instead of realizing that if people just listened and acted on this advice hive could be 100 dollars

of course we would need to explain something No one has given me an answer about which is HOW DOES HIVE SCALE AT 100 DOLLARS WHO PAYS FOR NEW ACCOUNTS? HOW FAN WE EVER GET TO 1 BILLION ACCOUNTS ? WILL HIVE BE STUCK AT 3 MILLION TO 5 MILLION ACCOUNTS FOR THE NEXT 10 TO 20 YEARS??????