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RE: Proposal: HIVE ad campaign 2020 on BRAVE Browser

in Hive Marketing5 years ago (edited)

This is a great idea. There is one thing that i have been studying and doing informal surveys on: user onboarding best practices.
In a twitter survey, it was revealed that 80% of users like over so in my opinion, should be used in promotions, not has rich features and is way more visual, more appealing. That's the first thing.

Also, about user onboarding: after asking Hive people on Twitter, most users said that getting a new Hive account is easier through esteem app. However, after consulting with several new to hive users, the branding and UI of Esteem app was confusing, and some users didn't even think it was related to Hive. They thought it was still on Steem.

In order for any ad dollars to be put towards user onboarding, i have this recommendation to the Esteem app designers:

  1. On the first sign up page that new users see, do a redesign to make it look like Hive: including colors. Also, list Hive as a token that users can earn. As it is now, there is not even a mention of $hive, and no red design. It is a very confusing user experience and one of my friends would not even sign up, due to this confusion.

The "signup page" that has been created is too confusing for brand new users.
There are simply too many options. I believe we need to create a "Easy Sign up" page that incorporates the Esteem app, or talk to that team so we can better integrate to make this Brave ad proposal as effective as possible. If these steps are not taken, i think it would be a waste of money and time.

ONe more thing: all these ad ideas and onboarding methods need to be run by a group of new users, beta testers, so that feedback can be gathered, and improvements made. Without such feedback, this also will not be effective.

Brave is a very good ad platform, and the exact target audience that is good for Hive. I think with some basic improvements (namely the Esteem redesigned page for noobs), this could be very good.


I concur with the peakd remark, its true I myself do enjoy peakd more and previously steempeak over the main blog. Perhaps its just a niche trend for us early adopters who want to gloat about how dencentralist we are? lol all in good humor.

I would be interest in the results of a blind survey on users who have never heard of Hive or Steem, comparing peakd to as a first time user, that would has a task list to complete all of the basic tasks in that FAQ, which could be condensed to a short video tutorial, much like the ones that introduce any other alt coin in the industry.

Example of the video I dont the video editing skills to make. Could elaborate on the DPOS model and why the Witnesses are important.