
It's flawed but it's ours! We can use it to secure some basic rights and go from there. But a good cleaning out of the system needs to occur!

It is something that they say they are holding to. Perhaps a reminder to them in the physical moment.
A deep clean with acids and bases to take away the crud, turd and the top layers to a clean surface again.

That sounds good. It's a framework we can build around and get something up in a hurry. Then when there's time later on, we can rebuild everything from scratch. But having some sort of rights in place now is important, even if it's just paper, or thin air. Cleaning it down to the surface would be great, nice call.
As long as we have the rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, free speech, and bearing arms, we're half way there already. Of course, we then need to claim and protect and exercise them, too.

Overall the pertinent point is No one is able to grant another rights. Humans have rights that the no other cannot define enforce defend or live to. One must set ones own course and live to that. Universal law. Do what you want but do no harm! What do you think?