Multiple studies claim that lockdowns kill more then corona itself. We have a specific study (by government officials) in the Netherlands that for each life saved 6 were lost due to the lockdown. Let that sink in.
To Denmark. Look at the graph the deaths are rising since November 2021 you dont see a spike in deaths this year 2022 since fully reopening. Also if you look at mine graph you almost see exactly the same curve last year. Difference? no vaccines back then and with restrictions. You know whats that called? Its called seasonal it comes and it goes and you can't do much about it.
Search and you will fine however we can pass studies around but fact is we the Netherlands are about to fully open up. And more Europeans countries are doing the same or did the same.
Anyway results dont lie right? But than you dont say a word about the rising cases PRE fully opening up in Norway? So mass vaccination and still cases tru the roof? Maybe ur fear porn artist Diego Bassani can explane that?
I mean the restrictions and the vaccine couldn't stop the virus then the graph keeps on climbing and Diego is like oh you see this is what happens when you open up.
Well time to celebrate the reopening of my country.
Multiple studies claim that lockdowns kill more then corona itself. We have a specific study (by government officials) in the Netherlands that for each life saved 6 were lost due to the lockdown. Let that sink in.
To Denmark. Look at the graph the deaths are rising since November 2021 you dont see a spike in deaths this year 2022 since fully reopening. Also if you look at mine graph you almost see exactly the same curve last year. Difference? no vaccines back then and with restrictions. You know whats that called? Its called seasonal it comes and it goes and you can't do much about it.
Got a link?
What do you define as a lockdown? Do you believe Canada has had lock downs?
Search and you will fine however we can pass studies around but fact is we the Netherlands are about to fully open up. And more Europeans countries are doing the same or did the same.
Anyway results dont lie right? But than you dont say a word about the rising cases PRE fully opening up in Norway? So mass vaccination and still cases tru the roof? Maybe ur fear porn artist Diego Bassani can explane that?
The vaccination reduces the severity of the symptoms it doesn't prevent infection
I mean the restrictions and the vaccine couldn't stop the virus then the graph keeps on climbing and Diego is like oh you see this is what happens when you open up.
Well time to celebrate the reopening of my country.