Climate Fraud

in Canada3 years ago


Meme Provided by Global Freedom Movement

My commentary

The First Global Revolution, published by the Club of Rome. They admitted this was a plan to enslave the globe, not quite in those exact words. Premeditated global dominance using mass deception. Billions of human minds topped up with bullshit, can certainly do allot of damage.


Screen shot from Amazon when I searched for this book.

More commentary: There you go, read it if you can afford the book. $1300! Holy shit man. What is that about?

Right on Amazon, right under our noses, right in plain sight, just the way they like to do shit.

Killers that enjoy showing us how dumb we are before they finish us off.

Video provided by You Tube Channel (Steeper33) -->

By in the day when "Climate Gate" was the big thing, and WeAreChange seemed to be more salient in the public mind, at least for the "conspiracy" community this video was going around. There was another rendition of this same video on You Tube that I can't seem to find anymore. In that video that shared a quote out of the book I reference above.

I took a screen shot of that quote 12 years ago, and I'm lucky it's still on my Facebook.

Here it is:

Read that a few times and pounder.

If you know more about what ClimateGate was about I'd love to hear about it, provided anyone remembers, that was awhile ago, boy this Climate shit certainly is pervasive today in 2022. They really made the distance with their bullshit didn't they?