Hey, cool, thank you. I always had a suspicion that not every person that lives in Ottawa was anti-trucker protest. It's more the way the news, under cover police, Antifa working with police, liked to make it appear. I'm quite confident there was intent to deceive people going on.
My first clue were the businesses that choose to remain open to enjoy record sales in defiance to what their government(s) were telling them to do.
It would actually have been interesting to see the results of an accurate referendum for the city.
There is a place in Calgary called Bowness where my parents grew up. And it sounds like, it's a bit like the place you are describing. Part of Calgary, but was not always the case, and they still tend to retain their own separate identity regardless of being deemed part of the city.
I suppose a person could say, living in a capital city of a free country, comes inherently with the burden of possible protests. For whatever reason, back in the day, they figure, Ottawa was the best place for the Capital.
First time in a long time, if ever, Albert and Quebec was united. It was a beautiful thing. Right up until they started using force. Force I suspect was aided by the United Nations. Someone saw some United Nations air planes hanging around at a certain airport to the North of Ottawa at some place. Someone traced the ownership of this place, and it was quite revealing. I'll have to revisit the story to remember all the details.