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RE: Monday Night Hypno Pizza Party!! GET IN HERE

in Canada4 years ago

Thanks for the mention!:)

I'm not sure if it's worthy of it's own post (although heck, anything can be really so why not)

But just for now I'll share my story here... Since I do haven't been posting...

Sometime years ago when we were in highschool, my friend had this thick, hardcover hypnosis book... and of course there was a section on doing the induction and everything... well my friend was pretty good at doing the monotone voice and almost got my brother completely under. But the real 'fun' was when it worked on his brother... we tried all sorts of various things (it was basically just 'stage hypnosis') for us but the thing that got me was when we turned him into a strawberry... he just sat there unflinching... like a strawberry... Maybe some of the other stuff would be possible to fake, i.e. act, but his strawberry demeanor proved impossible to perturb. I'm sure quite literally, to him he was a strawberry.

One thing I would love to try is to make someone 'invisible' to someone else and see if they could really 'see through' the other person, maybe read something behind them... if that makes sense... but yeah,it's powerful stuff for sure. Makes ya wonder whats going on in the world at times ;)


That is really cool !! Thanks for sharing the story, hopefully he doesnt still think he is a Strawberry! I think it is possible to truly hypnotize someone but at some level they have to accept it and I tend to be resistant to ideas and skeptical.

!PIZZA Thank you for sharing your #hypno story, have some & !BEER @synrg

Do you still have the book? If you do decide to write about this in a fuller post, maybe talk about induction. I have no idea-

I will have to get ahold of my friend and ask him what the book was. I got the impression by the heft of it that it was a seriously comprehensive tome on the matter. The 'induction' I guess is bringing someone into the hypnotic trance, which you are 100% correct, they have to accept it... I've heard that its more like you 'hypnotize' yourself other than someone else doing it, i.e. you have to be willing and believe it and for sure some people are 'easier' to hypnotize than others. We snapped him out of being a strawberry and he seemed to have no other ill effects afterwards. I remember also we made him think he was in the game Halo to which he freaked out and ran and hid... that was probably worse than the strawberry. He was definitely a willing subject though. Apparently it doesn't work very well if you're high either - I went and saw a hypnotherapist one time and she specifically said that and I had to pretend like I hadn't gotten high before coming (instead of just fessing up and coming back another time) because that lead to me having to pretend it worked to save further awkwardness...yes the folly of youth. Thanks for the beer and the 'za! :)

$PIZZA@synrg! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @darkflame.

Did you know you can now buy Rising Star packs with $PIZZA? (2/20)

Invisible... and cerulean blue ;) lol