EP12 Two sweaty men

EP12 Two sweaty menby @dickturpin on The Dick Turpin Road Show View my bio on CastGarden: https://cast.garden/c/tdtrs

jontheniceguy Twitter RMS funded emacs by charging for the source code.Kevin Grenade Gran-De http://identi.ca/notice/84282371 "WTF Emacs Euw"

  1. Random warming-up discussions
    Speed of light is bollox. Will people with degrees have to hand them back now it turns out Einstein was wrong? ;-)
    Morten Juhl-Johansen Zolde-Fejer - In case you need some filler, on Wednesday the 28th, it is a year after the beginning of LibreOffice.

    http://www.archlinux.org/news/gnome-320-in-extra/ GNOME 3.2.0 in extra http://archbang.org/ ArchBang 2011.10 is out in the wild http://www.drawastickman.com/

  2. Room x1101

  3. Main Topic
    'enterprise' software
    Why do companies buy crappy software
    why speed up release cycles?

Check out today’s podcast..!