Hello @liquidocelot I understand why you apologized. This person seemed like he wouldn't stop. Don't worry. Is he also posting bad stuff about me on CTPX? I deleted my posts to get him to stay away. I will ignore him if he comes back. Thanks for the info. Take care and have a nice day. !BBH !CTP
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Saw your latest and muted/blocked him I think this was a great solution. I am not active on ctpx from 2 days now but if something comes across me I'll take a screenshot and share with you so you report him to official ctp discord server.
Yes that is what Hivewatchers told me to do. I didn't know about it until they told me. 😊😄👍 OK but Hivewatchers said they want us to ignore him now. It will work to ignore him and not to give him the attention he wants. I think people like him want attention. Take care now. !BBH !CTP