Hello people!
it's been 56 days and adding.
Good today was another day at work, with nothing special. The highlight of the day was the outing after work. I went on a bit of an adventure with my camera. And I have met many nice living beings. A few dogs and a very curious horse. I was also in a field of flowers and I have let the last rays of the sun of this day warm my soul a little.
A hug friends and I hope you enjoy the photos that I show you in the video.
Hola Gente!
ya van 56 días y sumando.
Hoy bueno fue otro día mas de trabajo, sin nada especial. Lo grande del día fue la salida tras el trabajo. Fui un poco de aventura con mi camera. Y me he encontrado con muchos seres vivos simpáticos. Unos cuanto perros y un caballo muy curios. También estuve en un campo de flores y he dejado que los últimos rayos del sol de este día calentaran un poco mi alma.
Un abrazo amigos y espero que disfrutéis las fotos que os muestro en el video.
Grateful to be still alive I say goodbye and wish you a good day friends
Agradecido de seguir vivo me despido y os deseo un buen día amigos!
stay safe and ...
Feel free to join the #IAmAliveChallenge. This challenge is started by @flaxz to make everyone feel appreciate and be grateful that we are alive.
Three points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge :
Tell the world that you are alive in a video, photo, and publish on Hive.
Celebrate your victory every day.
Use tags #iamalivechallenge and #hiveisalive
You can follow us/me on our main account or other social networks if you like:
Sketch17 Social Nomads
WebPage - www.sketch17.com
Instagram - @sketch17_socialnomads
Facebook - sketch17socialnomads
Instagram - @itsaboutbleu_sk8
Youtube -Miguel Angel Varela
Instagram - @itsaboutbleu.photo
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