So I hope that you are all doing better today than you were yesterday and preparing your lives for all of your tomorrows to be even better than they were today!
So 100 days of being Alive on the #Hive in the # IAmAliveChallenge. 🎉🥂🍾🎂🍹🎉🥂🍾🎂🍹🎉🥂🍾🎂🍹
I made it and I can't believe how fast it has gone and I couldn't have done it without you guys!
You know who you are.....❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚
So on my 100th day here, I was hoping that I could pick your brains (mmmm to help me in my search for global opinions on the topic of mental health care.
And some of you may know that I have been making a documentary over the past 10 years, following around a gorgeous, strong, resilient, proactive and empowered woman by the name of Sue Armstrong, who is not only a sought after fine artist, filmmaker and peer advocate for females with mental health illnesses, Sue is also a mental health consumer herself and has spent just as many decades campaigning for the policy makers to re-instate female only wards here in Australia as she has spent as an impatient in those mixed sex wards.
This is the brand new 5:30 minute teaser for the documentary that I just uploaded onto #3speak last week.
So as I have been making the documentary following her around as she interviews people to garner support for the campaign, I have also built her a website which we will be launching soon (hopefully tomorrow) and I was hoping that you could tell me about the state of your mental health systems in your own countries so we can share that information on the website too.
I know that many South East Asian countries just naturally separate the men from woman and have female only wards because it is simple logic to them.
I know that some countries don't even think that mental health illnesses exist and if they do, the person is either locked up for life in their family basement or shipped off to mysterious, isolated institutions that no-one is ever told about, or has heard of and so the patient is locked up for good and is never able to have visitors or see their families again.
And I know that some countries also consider mental health illnesses to be a 'western disease'.
The stories, comments, thoughts and knowledge about this can be shared with me in any way you choose. Written, video, photos, audio, whatever.
You can be completely anonymous if you want- it's entirely up to you and my discretion and privacy is absolutely guaranteed.
If you do want to remain anonymous and don't want to comment here, the please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and my discretion is absolutely assured.
And please feel free to share this request around to your friends and families so they too can share there stories, thoughts and comments.
It would be great to hear from all of you men too, as you all have women and girls in your lives- Your wives, your daughters, your sisters, mums and aunts and I'm sure you know how you would want them to be treated in hospital, as opposed to may how they do get treated in reality.
So as an example, here in Australia, an 18 year old male that is 6feet tall and affected by drug intoxication is put into the same ward as a 60 year old woman who is suffering from depression.
Two entirely different genders, ages and issues. One is a traditional, manageable mental health illness and the other is intoxication by a drug- whether it be alcohol or Ice, or anything in between and with unknown factors affecting the person and the ability to treat them. So that could be your frail grandmother in there with a violent, drug affected teenager who has the strength of 10 men.......
OR it could be your 14 year old daughter or sister in there with a much older man having to use mixed bathrooms and showers, in a mixed ward, not being able to lock your bedroom door and no way to get away from them.
And what about women and girls from other cultures being put in with complete strangers and men to boot.
So what does your country do with your residents who have mental health illnesses and need to go into hospital care?
Do you know if your hospitals have female only wards or mixed sex wards?
And do you know if there is a high incidence of assault in these hospitals and other mental health services?
And don't forget that it is WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY tomorrow- the start of WORLD MENTAL HEALTH MONTH
And you all have a head and you head is connected to your body, so of course it can get sick too- especially in this time of lockdowns and loneliness, so mental health illnesses are a fact, not fallacy and can affect every one and anyone- even you.
It was a very gray, dull, depressing cold wet day when I came upon this lovely sight on my way home the other night.
And I am still here and Alive as I #thriveOnHive on the #HiveBlockChain in the #IAmAliveChallenge community created by the gorgeous @ErikGussafson known far and wide as @Flaxz who created the #IamAliveChallenge community for all of us around the world to come together to celebrate our victories and commiserate with each other in our losses and share the love, the I wouldn't be here at all and neither would you!
So if you want to know more about this warm and compassionate community then read more here and you're welcome to join in and share your stories, fears, dreams, successes and failures with all of us.
And a HUGE, big fat welcome to @unyime1 and all of the daring and adventurous people that have just joined us to #thriveOnHive! and joined in this great community over the past week! 😀
A HUGE #Hive5 to you guys!😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊😀😊 and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow to see #WhoIsYourHero!
So I look forward to meeting your hero and until then, please be safe and well, and look after your family and friends as good as you look after #MotherEarth and all of her furry, scaley, hairy, feathery, wiry, soggy, slimy, tiny, enormous, hooved, clawed, webbed and padded footed children too! 🐠🐃🐌🕷🐍🐓🦆🐸🐁🐿🦋🐢🐞🦍🐈🦆🐥🐜🦑🐛🐄🦇🐪🦏🐳🐊🦀🦌🐖🐢🐏🐋🐝🐒🐙🐠🐃🐌🕷🐍🐓🦆🐸🐁🐿🦋🐢🐞🦍🐈🦆🐥🐜🦑🐛🐄🦇🐪🦏🐳🐊🦀🦌🐖🐢🐏🐋🐝🐒🐙 So #WhoIsYourHero!
Wondering who this awesome girl gang is below? Then just click on the banner made by the gorgeous @theKittyGirl to join the Ladies Of Hive and #HiveOn my peeps and I would love to invite @unyime1 to join us there too.
And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😀
If you have made it this far, then you are absolute champions and I thank you so much for reading my blog tonight and I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️All love and support from you in whatever way is greatly appreciated!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This gorgeous giphy is by @suheri! Thank you @suheri for making such a beautiful banner for the LOH
I don’t know much of the mental health system in the Netherlands, but I assume that peeler have their own rooms with toilet and probably also bathroom. Unless that would be dangerous because they are suicidal.
I do however think that in the Netherlands the mental health professionals can be more focused on solving the problem, than actually looking at the person.
Other than that I think it is quite well organized here. But I have to say that I have no experience whatsoever with it.
Congrats on the 100th day also!
Funny, that's exactly what most people think here too and it so completely the opposite.
Most people I tell here that women and young girls have to share the wards with all kinds of sick and violent men are completely shocked and horrified cause they thought what you think...
Hopefully you are right and that yours are ok over there....
Thanks so much for responding, I really appreciate it!!!
That is just awful. Being vulnerable and then not being in a safe place..
This is a good article, highlighting your project, and I wish you well with it! Segregating the genders certainly sounds like something worth pursuing, indeed!
By the way, you don't need to give me credit for the banners each time you do a post. I get so many @mentions every day from many of the 127 members of the LadiesOfHive community. and don't have time to read every post where I am so mentioned. So, @mentioning me in every post might prevent my being able to respond when you really need me to see something.
Oh Ok, you know last night I had a tiny little thought like that pop into my head! So glad you said something- sorry!!!. What about Suheri with her giffy that she made? Should I keep mentioning her name every time as she will be having the same influx of notifications...
And what about where you're from. What do you know of the mental health medical sector there? Do you know if men and women are separated in hospitals in the mental health wards there???
Actually, Suheri is a guy, not a lady. I can certainly ask him if he wants continued credit or not, if you wish. 🙂
I have no clue about the way mental health facilities operate here. As with many things, the federal government might have some general regulations, but most day-to-day decisions are probably handled by each constituent state, so things can be different, depending on where one goes.
Oh no I'm so sorry!
I have an old workmate here and that is her name too, so I just assumed that he was a she...😳
Yes, I suppose that each state would have it's own distinct laws and guidelines too. We do over here, but we only have 5 states and 2 territories so it's not that hard to keep up with what they all doing, compared to all of the different states over there...
Thanks for letting me know, I really appreciate that- on both accounts. 🙏
An incredible achievement in consistency :)
To your health and wealth!
Big congrats on day 100 Leesa, that is just fantastic, and also good luck with spreading your documentary, I don't know how mental health institutions work in any part of the world really, but I do hope that your work will help to improve them, keep it up and stay safe, awesome and alive.
!tip 1
Thank you yes Erik I made it!
Can you believe it?
And so damn quickly too....🤔
Couldn't have done it without you though! 🙏😊🙏
I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide Is Updated - What Do You Think? - Iaac #188@flaxz wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @flaxz if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @chocolatescorpi! You have received 1.0 HIVE tip from @flaxz!Hello friend congratulations on completing 💯 day on #iamalivechallenge, although I don't have any new updates on your topic I actually just came by to say hi.
Ahhh thanks so much Rickardoh, I really appreciate it and great to see you here!😀
It's my pleasure
Congratulations on achieving this great achievement. I admire what you are doing about mental illness.
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful night and a happy restHello dear friend @chocolatescorpi good night
Gracias, amigo mío, pero la seguridad de las mujeres en las enfermedades mentales es solo una pequeña parte del propósito de mi vida, ya que es más los derechos y el bienestar de los animales que cualquier otra cosa ...
¡Y no se siente extraño pensar que solo te deseaba un feliz 100 no hace mucho tiempo! jajaja ...
This initiative is extraordinary, it seems necessary to me, urgent I would say; Well, the problem you pose is a sad reality in many countries. In the case of Venezuela, the health system is practically non-existent, it was dismantled with the lie of the "Mission Barrio Adentro" which was a Cuban invention to continue plundering our resources. For years now, public mental health centers have seemed human garbage dumps, some chose to remove patients who have no family or mourners and leave them in nearby towns and cities, lying on the streets. They have no resources to function (just like nursing homes and orphanages), less medical care, medicine, nothing at all, it is a total and horrible tragedy. I hope you have good luck with this project. One thing, I tried to see the video of the teaser and it told me that it did not exist, you have to check the link. A hug and a big greeting, friend @chocolatescorpi.
Esta iniciativa es extraordinaria, me parece necesaria, urgente diría yo; pues el problema que planteas es una triste realidad en muchos países. En el caso de Venezuela, el sistema de salud prácticamente es inexistente, fue desmantelado con el embuste de la "Misión Barrio Adentro" que fue un invento cubano para seguir expoliando nuestros recursos. Desde hace años ya, los centros públicos de salud mental, parecen botaderos de basura humana, algunos optaron por sacar a los pacientes que no tienen familia o dolientes y dejarlos en los pueblos y ciudades cercanos, tirados en la calle. No tienen recursos para funcionar (al igual que los ancianatos y los orfanatos), menos atención médica, medicinas, nada en absoluto, es una tragedia total y horrible. Espero que tengas mucha suerte con este proyecto. Una cosa, traté de ver el video del teaser y me dijo que no existía, hay que revisar el enlace. Un abrazo y un gran saludo, amiga @chocolatescorpi.
oh darling, can you get in touch with me on Discord? riverflows#4691 - wanted to chat to you about a mental health thing! And don't forget all mental health stuff - the #naturalmedicine tag please, so we can find you quick and support you!
Sweet will do.
I look forward to chatting more.😊