Am alive in Christ

in We Are Alive Tribe5 years ago (edited)

2Timothy 3:15 "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus"


Our salvation is through faith in Christ according to the scripture. The greatest problem of man ever was the sin problem, therefore, the greatest deliverance that can be ministered to man at this point is the forgiveness of sins. Sin was never in the plan of God from the beginning, death is not a creation of God. So sin and death are strange to God, so in order for man to be free from sin and death, forgiveness of sin must be ministered to mankind.

Man could not be free from sin on their own, this is why God hath to come down by himself to fight sin and end sin for man. Sin was never a plan of God, sin has it root from the law and death has it from sin, so automatically when the law and sin is taken away of the picture death will be helpless.

Jesus through the sacrifice of Himself on the cross takes away sin and give us forgiveness of sin. Salvation is not just about the forgiveness of sins, but also the freedom from the power of sins and death. Salvation swallowed what fruit that came as a result of sin, salvation comes with total package.

When a believer believes and has faith in the finish work of Christ, everything that makes life beautiful here on earth is deposited in him. God had to become man in other to redeemed man, Jesus while on earth was hundred percent man and hundred percent God in other to bear the sin of man so that the sin of man could be remitted and give man freedom.

Jesus had to go through all these to redeemed man from the bondage of sin also that man can be save, and Jesus paid all the requirement of the law in full. So we are not longer in dept to the law and sin. Jesus is now now the center of our life because He took our place of punishment .

So our salvation now is through faith in Christ Jesus. Irrespective of your past, your presence and the future sin the moment you faith for salvation is in Christ Jesus, you are save. Man can only be save by the faith in Christ no of work.

Your faith in Christ equals liberty or freedom, faith in Christ make you free from guilt of Sin. When you have in Christ, you are completely saying goodbye to fear because you are now a child of God, no longer a slave to sin and fear.

A believer in Christ does not have a sin problem. Christ did not just save us, He also keeps us saved. The total package of removing sin, forgiveness of our sins and keeping us saved is called the salvation. Faith in Christ is liberty or freedom to all. So stay in the consciousness that your sins has been eternally forgiven.

Stay blessed,think Christ.

 5 years ago  

Thanks for sharing your gratitude for being alive @dantommy, and do add something about yourself too, welcome to the #IAmAliveChallenge, stay safe, awesome and alive.

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