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RE: Iaac day 65

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago

I can't stop laughing!!!
What a funny life we live these days.
My fellow Nigerian!
It's in our hands, the power to bring back the country to it's previous status.
It's not a new news that people like you and I are the tomorrow leaders.
The prices of things (especially, food stuffs) increase because of more taxes and unnecessary settlements to the stakeholders.
These people are humans like us.
We can decide to obey or ignore them.
I remember what happened in Akwa-Ibome state two weeks ago. A gari seller refused to sell at the fixed price because she bought it cheap. The local government sent people from their office to tax her exactly the price of those selling at a higher price but she refused, called some of her friends to defend her and at last, she was more patronized.
What am I saying?
Am trying to say that the prices of goods are not topping because of the cost of production, but because of the unnecessary taxes and settlements.
We can voice out against these small individuals.
They're really making this to be very uncomfortable for everyone in the country.
Imagine exporting your goods from Aba to Illorin.
You'll pay more than your profits