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The Hive Meet Up Suriname is a wrap. A special shoutout to @diegoameerali who took on the host role almost naturally. @tanjakolader and @rarej who provided valuable insight and @faustofraser as always for bringing life to the community.

A big thank you to the Hive Suriname Community participating:

@raishmi @johnsdowie @jujani @gvkanten @mannneh @imanah267 @manuella-sr

We hope to welcome Anil, Rian and Idi to the Hive Community as well.
Rajiv and Maikel had to leave but will watch the recording.
@anthonyzsch promised me to do the same.

@motev and @kibri couldn't join the meet-up, but did show their support as well.

Shout out to @justinparke and @kidsisters as well, who had a brief cameo appearance. And @SreyPov, whose post we used to show what quality content looks like. Sorry that Fausto had to run out, but those lockdown rules messed up the schedule a bit.

It was very insightful and a lot of great questions were asked. We did do the meet-up in Dutch, as it is the main language in Suriname.

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