Here is my 5 engagements from the We Are Alive Tribe for today.
- Engage, post, earn, stake, earn passive repeat - Here @benthomaswwd shares great advice on how to grow on Hive, and he also has a very fun game to engage with.
- I am alive Challenge - Day 376 - Here @harpreetjanda shares the fantastic day he just had.
- A healthy day - Here @hafiz34 makes over 15k steps, and he shares his day and activities.
- 15 post and 609 in ¨WeAreAliveTribe¨ ¨Consistency, something key for personal development in Hive¨ - Here @jlufer gives great advice about consistency being key to success on Hive.
- BMR for 15th Jan 2022 - Weekly Update - Here @bradleyarrow gives a weekly market report on the tokens he follows, including ALIVE.
Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you.
. Keep up the fantastic work