Hola hivianos; La vida es el bien más ¨preciado¨ que uno tiene, debemos ser muy ¨agradecido¨ por ello con nuestro ¨señor¨ ¨creador¨, solo él tiene el ¨don¨ de este hermoso ¨privilegio¨, que debemos cuidarlo y vivir de la mejor manera posible, ser felices con las cosas que poseemos, y no ¨desperdiciar¨ la felicidad en busca de ¨bienes¨ ¨materiales;. Este es mi ¨video¨ trescientos veinticuatro ininterrumpidos en apoyo a este maravilloso desafío de mi amigo: @flaxz. #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive.
Hi Hivians; Life is the most "precious" good that one has, we must be very "grateful" for it with our "lord" "creator", only he has the "gift" of this beautiful "privilege", that we must take care of it and live by the best possible way, to be happy with the things that we have, and not to "waste" happiness in search of "goods" "materials ;. This is my "video" three hundred and twenty-four uninterrupted in support of this wonderful challenge from my friend: @flaxz. #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive.
¨Agradecido¨ por este ¨reto¨ que nos permite poder dar a conocer las cosa más ¨relevantes¨ qué sucede aquí; Una idea genial de nuestro amigo Erick.
¨Thankful¨ for this ¨ challenge¨ that allows us to make known the most ¨relevant¨ things what happens here; A great idea from our friend Erick.
Como siempre lo más ¨relevante¨ es este tema de la afección, muy preocupado por el ¨nivel¨ de ¨crecimiento¨ de los ¨afectados¨, hemos superado los 2.330.000; por suerte el ¨nivel¨ que superaron la afección también crece, son más de 2.100.000, este número en otra ¨circunstancia¨ es para festejar, pero no lo podemos hacer por la enorme cantidad de fallecidos, hemos alcanzado los 55.750
As always the most "relevant" is this issue of the condition, very concerned about the "level" of "growth" of those "affected", we have exceeded 2,330,000; Luckily the "level" that exceeded the condition also grows, there are more than 2,100,000, this number in another "circumstance" is to celebrate, but we cannot do it due to the enormous number of deaths, we have reached 55,750


Estamos en el huerto para continuar ¨erradicando¨ las ¨hierbas¨, es increíble el poder de ¨recuperació¨n que estas tienen, en el sector que hemos ¨limpiado¨ ayer, hoy ya volvieron a crecer algunas
We are in the orchard to continue "eradicating" the "herbs", the power of "recovery" that they have is incredible, in the sector that we have "cleaned" yesterday, today they have already returned to grow some
Tal como hicimos ayer, vamos a dividir el ¨terreno¨ en dos, además vamos a cortar las ¨guías¨ de los ¨boniatos¨ que volvieron a crecer y están tomado los ¨pasillos¨.
As we did yesterday, we are going to divide the "land" in two, in addition we are going to cut the "guides" of the "boniatos" that have grown again and are taking the "corridors".
Para no perder la ¨costumbre¨, voy a finalizar el ¨video¨ dándoles a conocer a estos hivianos
In order not to lose the "custom", I am going to end the "video" by introducing these hivians
Invited to meet me:
Invited to meet me:
Invited to meet me:
Invited to meet me:
Invited to meet me: @flaxz @neshk @laxyasaru @femcy-willy @eliydrakes

Source: vimeo-free-videos
▶️ 3Speak
@jlufer - !WINE
Thank you very much for the support you give mehello dear friend @andyjim good day
#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
Que bien se te ve en tu huerto 😊 mi madre también tiene bastante terreno para su huerto, ya que vive en las afueras. Cuando vaya la próxima vez a visitarla con tiempo tomaré algunas fotos o un vídeo para mostrar.
Te deseo un buen día amigo 🙌
Muchas gracias por darnos a conocer esta información, aprecio mucho esta grata visita
que pases un gran díaEso seria genial querido amigo @neshk que nos dieras a conocer el huerto de tu madre
Our ancient mother of the land, Cybelle, would be proud of you. Enjoy healthy leaving and working the land the results will be uplifting and rewarding! I'm sending you a Friday hug, dear @jlufer!
how are you dear friend @regenerette good day thank you very much for appreciating our work in the orchard. You are very gentle, I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day. enjoy it a lot
I am now back in hive thinking of publishing something.Have a beautiful day, too, @jlufer
Yes brother
It's really true what's you're sharing about our life.
I love the beautiful environment with the sunshine weather. Wish you a wonderful day 😊
very happy to know that my video has been to your liking, I appreciate it very much
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekendhow are you dear friend @hafizullah good day
dear in this video environment and sun rays light looking very nice, you prepared the land very nice way to plant new crops hat is nice, nice, always i enjoyed your video , your crops is looking healthy , also thank dear for sharing your daily experience thank
I appreciate with all my heart your kind words and the enormous support you give me
Thank you very much, I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoonhow are you dear friend @yousafharoonkhan
Nice one there and also thanks for the introduction
God bless
I appreciate very much that you have visited me and your kind words, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoonhello dear friend @eliydrakes good day
Thanks friend @jlufer
Hive has given us the opportunity to share our lives and thoughts and I really feel grateful and lucky that I have found Hive. You always share inspiring stories with us and yes, we all are connected with each other because of Hive I feel.
Stay safe, I guess we will have another lockdown once again...
Thank you very much for this nice visit and support for my work
have a beautiful weekendIf you are very right dear friend @priyanarc the best thing that could have happened to us is Hive. it is changing our lives, always be very grateful
How are you? Life is precious and we should consume each moment of life very well. This epidemic has spoiled the fun of living life otherwise life is very beautiful.I am very sorry that in your country constantly increasing the number of infected patients. I hope that together we will fight this odd situation firmly.
Thanks for stopping by..
Have a great weekend..Hello dear friend @jlufer !
Yes, here the situation is out of control, things get worse day by day, but that's the way things are and we must face them as they are
thank you very much for this warm visit
have a wonderful dayhow are you dear friend @certain welcome