IAmAliveChallenge 345 videos Estoy vivo y muy feliz de poder analizar lo que sucede con los mobiliarios (Español- Inglés)

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago (edited)

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Hola hivianos; Desde que he aprendido de mis ¨padres¨ ser ¨agradecido¨ nunca deje de serlo y fue la ¨llave¨ que me abrió muchas ¨puertas¨. He cometido muchos ¨errores¨, y tuve la suerte de que la vida me diera otra ¨oportunidad¨ de ¨enmendar¨ ¨reverti¨r las cosas; Muy feliz de poder hacer algo ¨positivo¨ todos los días por nuestra querida compañía (Hive); ¨Gracias¨ a todos los que me ¨apoyan¨ y me brindan su ¨cariño¨. Este es mi video trescientos cuarenta y cinco ininterrumpidos en compañía de este hermoso ¨desafío¨ de mi amigo:   @flaxz. #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive.

Hi Hivians; Since I have learned from my ¨parents¨ to be ¨grateful¨ it never stops being so and it was the ¨key¨ that opened many ¨ doors¨ for me. I have made many "mistakes", and I was lucky that life gave me another "opportunity" to "make amends" "to reverse things"; Very happy to be able to do something ¨positive¨ every day for our beloved company (Hive); "Thank you" to all those who "support" me and give me their "affection". This is my three hundred and forty-five uninterrupted video in the company of this beautiful ¨challenge¨ from my friend:   @flaxz. #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive.

Contento con este ¨desafío¨ porque me brinda esta oportunidad de poder estar aquí frente a ustedes y ¨desahogarme¨ contándoles como es la situación aquí; Como siempre lo más destacado es esta afección y lo que provoca su presencia, tanto en la ¨salud¨, como en lo ¨económico¨

I am happy with this "challenge" because it gives me this opportunity to be here in front of you and "vent" telling you about the situation here; As always, the most prominent thing is this condition and what causes its presence, both in the ¨health¨ and in the ¨economic¨
Preocupado por el nivel de ¨afectados¨, hemos superado los 2.740.000, si bien 2.410.000 vencieron a la afección, la gravedad de la situación pasa por la cantidad de fallecidos que aumentan día a día, son más de 59.800

Concerned about the level of "affected", we have exceeded 2,740,000, although 2,410,000 defeated the condition, the seriousness of the situation is due to the number of deaths that increase day daily, there are more than 59,800

Hoy ampliaron más sobre las ¨vacunas¨ que les di a conocer el día ayer, de salir todo bien, ¨Argentina¨ sería la ¨encargada¨ de hacer y ¨abastecer¨ en esta zona del ¨mundo¨

Today they expanded more on the ¨vaccines¨ that I made known to you yesterday, if all went well, ¨Argentina¨ would be the ¨in charge¨ of making and ¨supply¨ in this area of the ¨world¨

Otro ¨impacto¨ ¨negativo¨ de esta afección es sobre la ¨economía¨, la falta de ¨actividad¨ ¨comercial¨, está afectando el ¨costó¨ del nivel de ¨vida¨ de nuestra ciudad, hay ¨escases¨ de ¨dinero¨, y las que tienen ¨priorizan¨ los ¨gastos¨; Por esta razón los mobiliarios que estamos haciendo no estamos ¨vendido¨, tenemos una amplia ¨variedad¨, pero no han estado ¨saliendo¨ ¨producto¨ de la ¨situación¨ ¨económica¨.

Another "negative" impact of this condition is on the "economy", the lack of "commercial" activity is affecting the "cost" of the "life" level of In our city, there are ¨scases¨ of ¨money¨, and those that have ¨prioritize¨ ¨ expenditures¨; For this reason the furnishings that we are making are not "sold", we have a wide "variety", but they have not been "coming" as a "product" of the "economic" situation.

Contento de poder visitar y ¨promocionar¨ a estos amigos, espero que tu también de un vistazo a sus post

Glad to visit and "promote" these friends, I hope you also take a look at their posts

Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me:  @solymi @psimpson67 @laxyasaru @johnandgrace @city-bounter


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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!invest_voteThanks @jlufer for mentioning me, it is always nice to read through your articles. Makes me pick up more Spanish. Hope someday I can write in Spanish too. Would get me a lot more readers for sure.

it's a real pleasure to promote you
happy to know that you looked like my videos, it will be great to read your content in Spanish.
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the weekendHow are you dear friend @solymi good day

Thank you for meaningful enegement in the We Are Alive Tribe, your comment has been upvoted with ALIVE Power, #YouAreAlive

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Check out the Alive Engagement Contest on @iamalivechalleng, daily prizes of 200 Hive Power, every day!

Oh thank you so much!

Keep it up. 😉

Hey dear friend I am happy to see you alive. And you are talking about Economy. In our country people are dying after taking medicine. Cases are increasing daily. So staying alive is more important than anything else. So be safe and fit. Good day friend.

I am very sorry for the situation you are living there, the best decision is self-care and isolation.
I really appreciate the support you give me and your positive words
stay safe and take care dear friendhello dear friend @laxyasaru good afternoon

Thank you for meaningful enegement in the We Are Alive Tribe, your comment has been upvoted with ALIVE Power, #YouAreAlive

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Check out the Alive Engagement Contest on @iamalivechalleng, daily prizes of 200 Hive Power, every day!

Thankyou for the mention sir!! Peace and love to ya!!

Thank you for meaningful enegement in the We Are Alive Tribe, your comment has been upvoted with ALIVE Power, #YouAreAlive

Made in Canva

Check out the Alive Engagement Contest on @iamalivechalleng, daily prizes of 200 Hive Power, every day!

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

@solymi denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@solymi thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !