IAmAliveChallenge 111 I am alive and very happy with the plants we have planted

in We Are Alive Tribe5 years ago (edited)

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hola hivianos, feliz con el apoyo y la compañía que brindan a mis videos, este es el ciento once de participación consecutiva en este increíble desafío creado por:   @flaxz . #IAmAliveChallenge . #hivelsalive. Estoy vivo y muy feliz con nuestra siembra

hi hivianos, happy with the support and the company that you provide to my videos, this is the one hundred and eleven consecutive participation in this incredible challenge created by:   @flaxz. #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive. I am alive and very happy with our planting

Estoy muy contento con la actividad que llevamos en la huerta, esta semana hemos estado cosechando, y la verdad nos fue muy bien, cosechamos muchos frutos; Algunas hortalizas ya comenzamos a sembrar; Finalmente inicio la nueva temporada de siembra

I am very happy with the activity that we carry out in the garden, this week we have been harvesting, and the truth is that we did very well, we harvested many fruits; We have already started sowing some vegetables; The new planting season finally started

No deseaba hablar de esta enfermedad, sin embargo es imposible no hacerlo, hemos superado los 392000 personas enfermas, más 8200 han fallecidos, y 280000 han superado la enfermedad. En mi ciudad se han vuelto a detectar nuevas personas enfermas, ahora se están analizando el alcance de ellos, y podemos regresar a la etapa inicial

I did not want to talk about this disease, however it is impossible not to do so, we have exceeded 392,000 sick people, more than 8,200 have died, and 280,000 have overcome the disease. In my city, new sick people have been detected again, now the extent of them is being analyzed, and we can return to the initial stage

Muy feliz con las visitas a estos hivianos, me encantaría que tu también lo puedas visitar

Very happy with the visits to these hivianos, I would love for you to visit them too

Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me: 
Invited to meet me: 

@sunscape @silviabeneforti @yousafharoonkhan @animal-shelter @pialejoana


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Hello, my friend, good to see you are alive, healthy and happy. In this crucial pandemic situation, this is very important to be positive and happy. I can understand your concern about COVID19 but I guess we, the citizen can't do anything except to keep ourself safe.
Glad that you have planted your desire plants and they are ready for harvest...
Enjoy your Sunday, my friend...

have a wonderful weekYou are very right dear friend @priyanarc and if each person took care of staying safe, things would be very different, the outbreak of contagion is due to the lack of care of people. Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and your kind words

Hola querido @jlufer. Mucho agradecimiento en el dia a dia! Un abrazote. Cuidate!

aprecio de corazón tu grata visita y el apoyo que brindas a mis trabajos. Muchas gracias
que tengas un feliz inicio de semanacomo estas querida amiga @sarita