It's been a busy week, being a volunteer in an entrepreneurship movement has kept me very busy, and I haven't had much time to publish, besides the tiredness.
The internet has been very difficult, to upload the images is taking too long and unfortunately sometimes it has been almost impossible, for that reason I have stopped publishing, I do not like the idea of not publishing but I have no alternatives to upload the images.
I hope your weekend is going very well and you are resting to replenish the energy consumed during the week.
First of all, I must be thankful to be alive and hopeful that the inconveniences will be overcome.
Greetings to everyone on the #HIVE platform, and in the #ALIVE community, thank you for the opportunity to be able to participate. Today I continue with my 284 #challenge and begin to celebrate the joy of being alive.

Four points to participate in the #IAmAliveChallenge organized by @flaxz and the Alive tribe, thanks to #CTP and #HIVE:
1 - Tell the world you're alive in a video or photo, and post on #Hive and #WeAreAlive.
2 - Use the hashtags #alive and #iamalivechallenge.
3 - Share it on #Twitter and in social media
4 - Celebrate your victory every day.


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