Hello there @brainofalion :)
How are you? I trust 2024 is moving along smoothly for you?
Lovely to see you here again and good to know we are on the same page with root canals. Indeed, my (extremely healthy & active) step father had a mouth full of amalgam fillings all his life and now he has Parkinsons, so i'm not in much doubt about the connection between toxins building and crap in our mouth which shouldn't be there.
The three root canals i have in my mouth are currently holding crowns without which i will not be able to chew my food, so i'm in a bit of a muddle about these. If i can successfully start re-growing the removed one it will give me confidence to remove the others and drink through a straw till its done!
I downloaded 'Nutrition and physical degeneration' for future reference. Many thanks for the links and info.
Hi Sam! Yes, I'm still here, even though I don't post much - but I do read all of your entries, and enjoy your stories and insights very much. If I do not comment, that's only because I have nothing original or witty to say... :-o Maybe I should create something similar to cuddlekitten, just to acknowledge and appreciate postings.
Having root canals is a difficult position to be in, especially after knowing what they can do to the body. To add to the text I posted above: It is possible (but I don't know how likely) that there are no anaerobic bacteria inside, and the tooth is just sitting there, not causing any harm.
As for regrowing teeth: I think it is very much possible. Weston Price in his books describes how a young girl was scheduled to have her cavities filled by a dentist. She managed to fill them by eating food high in vitamins (if I recall correctly, it was butter with high K vitamin content). Which tells me several things: (a) Cavities do not need to be drilled out and filled. Teeth material does indeed regrow!! (Scientists also used to say that brain cells do not regrow, now they have changed that in the face of evidence. And it is still current scientific belief that severed nerve cells do not regrow, but many cases have shown that this is also not exactly correct.) (b) Highly nutritious food can indeed heal the body in ways that the scientific establishment won't tell you (or will tell you it's impossible).
Ultimately, everything comes down to what we believe, and how negative beliefs affect us. Having absolute, unadultered faith in something will manifest without fail!
Am grateful for your presence here.
Yes, for the root canals it is a difficult position because without them i won't be able to chew. And despite my understanding of the power of our belief, it feels a lot like these things in my mouth are not doing anything good for my body. I addressed this issue in a recent Quantum Healing session and my Higher Self told me that a holistic dentist will be presented to me at some point, with whom i can exchange in a way that does not involve money. So, am looking forward to that!
I watched a young woman on YouTube re-grow a molar over the last year so yes, i have no doubt it can be done. In a plethora of interesting ways it would seem! Including just asking God, as we know.
A friend in India sent me this a few days ago, from a poster in a holistic dentist office.
For years i tried to find this information online so am happy to now have it and have been reminded once more of the importance of having all our teeth.