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RE: My friends are Covid Positive and I am getting tested Today. IamAliveChallenge#265

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago

Ok so I had PCR tests twice a week over the past three months that means I had 24 PCR tests, according to you 14 of these tests must have been false positive. Not the case, what is the source of your wisdom? Please share :)


I don't think you understand what it means to make a statistical expression.

You can flip a coin, and get heads every time.

There's a 40% chance the rapid PCR test is a false positive result.

What do you understand about that?

Before you said it was a 60% chance so what is nit now? I have been working on a film set with over 40 people over a period of 3 months we did not have one single false positive test! So where is the statistics in that ? Thats 24x40 tests with not a single false positive.

What methodology was used to calculate the margin or error?

It was a renown laboratory doing our tests so I think I will trust science before I believe your arguments with no underlining source. Show me statistics on the false positives...

Took me a while to find a source with enough documentation, but this Dutch news article covers most of the concerns I have.

Translated to English for this posts discussion,

11-03: € 225,000 reward promise for providing proof of existence SARS-CoV-2 2020:
20-12: Despite 40 WOB requests worldwide, not one authority can provide proof of SARS-CoV-2
17-12: Open letter from Dutch GP to politicians: 'This cabinet has banned science and humanity
12-12: Docu' Covid-19 - The System ':' Documents prove that the media were ordered by the government to sow fear '
30-11: Marion Koopmans acknowledges that PCR test cannot show infection
29-11: Johns Hopkins study: Covid-19 has relatively no effect on normal mortality 19-11: Former committee chair of the Royal College of Physicians calls corona biggest hoax ever
25-10: Dutch experts: False PCR test method is the source of all misery, RIVM wants as many positive results as possible
09-10: Hoax is getting bigger: CDC admits in document not to have a measurable virus
06-10: Trump is right: CDC figures prove that Covid- 19 is much less deadly than flu
09-28: Ex-hoof dad adviser to science pharma giant Pfizer: "Entire second wave is fake, almost all positive tests are false"
03/18: Time for a different sound: Does the corona virus actually exist?
22-08: Dutch molecular analyst: 'There is no second wave, only a data swindle' 17-08: Former director of the Institute of Microbiology: 'No new Covid-19 cases for 8 weeks'
15-08:' The lie is already reigning months - Is the cabinet deliberately misled by the RIVM? '(Column Pierre Capel)
29-05: Lung damage from corona not unique and not worse than during annual flu

taken from,

Thanks I will read through the article I will also check the facts they are mentioning, you will have to give me time though. I am currently still working a movie set and we have all been tested 3 times again since we last talked. Again no false positives. Sound like a statistical miracle...

Also I asked you for a source for your wisdom, and all you do is telling me I do not understand statistics..
What a nice ground to start a discussion on. So where is the source? Where is the scientific paper stating these numbers you are talking about?

There's no source for statistics...

You litterally don't understand the expression "false positive" or what that would mean in a dataset.

The source is math.

60% chance of a false positive, means there is a 40% chance it's accurate, and if you have accurate results, you would be considered "lucky" (the mathematical expression of luck, just like in Bitcoin mining Luck is a factor in who gets the blockreward).

I don't have a source for who invented math ratios and statistics, it's common knowledge to me to understand ratios and percentages.

That is just straight up BS you are telling me there so you say that 3 months of testing of 40 PAX crew and no false positive, is a statistical anomaly called luck you have no source to underline your arguments and still telling me through the grapevine that I am too dumb to understand. Show me the statistics you are talking about!