
Man... That's exactly what I was yelling with an assailant I didn't want to hurt one time. I was grossly overcharged and made out to be a monster in court, when the irony was, it was a submission hold, instead of a face bashing.
The court didn't care, I pretty much beg people to reconsider now and also try to "talk my way out of it" so to speak. NY loves to hammer people. Not so much in my home town, but the small backwoods towns. If you're not a native to the town, do not want to get into any shit with the courts.

Admittedly I did give him a couple of love taps on the face when he kept resisting, some people are so stubborn :D

Most my Sifu's and coaches told me: "After you fight.. RUN"

That's probably good advice lol.