The Brisbane river at dusk

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago (edited)

Better late than never sharing photos of a lovely old lady, the Brisbane River. Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and my birth city, a city I have spent a lot of extra time in lately. Totally unplanned I have to say. But, as it goes the weeks in Brisbane were an adventure.

So at last I am happily tapping away this Friday morning reminiscing on my walks beside the Brisbane River in the suburb of West End. The 100metre walk to the river from our accommodation was conveniently quick and easy. There was absolutely no excuse not to go out as our temporary home was just up the road from here.

Beauty is everywhere, I breathe in the unique atmosphere and energy of each place I walk in. My ongoing challenge is sharing what I see as accurately as I can through my words and photos.

I want you to see the pretty early glow of sunset in the sky through my eyes. Fairly early in the walk my very first photo taken over the river toward the sunset was darkest and pretty. But, interestingly the 2 following photos of the bike path away were so much lighter. The differences make nature all the more fascinating and intriguing.

A great idea to separate the walking and bike paths but according to the locals occasional accidents happen! So, not wanting to meet up with speedy cyclist I looked both ways. Getting run over was not my plan

All too quickly the day ends, light changes take place over the river, but I was pleased to still see the reflections of the buildings on the water's edge, the blue colour of the sky and green grass. How magical, a little bit of colour persists until the night bids goodbye to the day.

My unexpected surprise was meeting a cute lone curlew chick and why it was on its own is a bit of a mystery. These birds usually live in family groupings. Maybe it was lost or perhaps it was the adventurous child in big family.

The young curlew was definitely at ease. I suspect it is an old hand with humans and was not an easily frightened unless I got a little too close for its liking. I think I was more excited than he was! He made an excellent photographer's model. I just hope this baby curlew not only survives but thrives. Hopefully he finds his family or they find him.

I love the exercise of walking in nature, on streets or the beach but also am constantly entertained by the unexpected, which makes for many different memorable adventures, lots of photo snapping and fabulous material for stories to tell. I am definitely a richer person with all my escapades.

Before finishing off I just want to acknowledge and thank nice guy @tattoodjay for creating and managing #Wednesdaywalk. It is extra nice being back after an extended break.

Regards and best wishes
Angie Mitchell


What a nice walk. It looks so peaceful those paths by the river. I hope the baby curlew found his way to thrive.

I wonder, I am thinking it is one of those rebellious kids that are strong willed and do what they want. I will be back to stock up and have some flowers and treats for my friend aka as my lovely sister when she returns from the US at the end of the month. It was a wonderful gift to live in her unit for 6 weeks while my husband was going to the hospital everyday. Happy Saturday lovely @coquicoin.

Greetings stranger!!!!❤️ @angiemitchell

herePlease drop the link to your post in the comment section of my #MarketFriday post

Thank you!

Hello lovely Denise, you have been on my mind of late so you tag just had to go in this post. 💜

By the way it is extra nice being back, it is like coming home full of special like minded souls. xox I wasn't sure if #marketFriday fitted in with my theme my dear, but I will do as you suggest.

Haha! Why not? :) I actually didn't see the Wednesday tag, I just saw my own. :) It was a lovely walk and yes! You have to pay for your accommodation, so I think that is at least a month of #MarketFRiday's worth!

So lovely and peaceful there. I am sure you miss home, sweet home. I hope you get everything done and that your remaining time there isn't difficult for you. xo

#marketFriday loves you! ❤️

I love #marketFriday💗 And yes paying for my accommodation is a must

Ben's gentle healing treatment in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Unit was very successful and we are now home adjusting back to easy pace secure lifestyle. But, the little out of the blue life change came for a reason as they all do. I talked to the universe a few times asking about my lesson. Intuitively I heard that an adventure, no matter how stressful was in order, this is how we grow was what I heard and lessons never stoping coming. xox

I am so very relieved to hear this. ❤️ I always hope the lesson is not lost on me and I can see it is not for you.

Love to both of you. ❤️ Always.

Ahhh, a sweet message that fills me with warmth. Thank you Denise.💝

What I have learned about Brisbane it is a lovely city with river running through.

Meeting a curlew along the walk, you will have to nickname brave little "road runner", quite a tall bird with fascinating look.

The Brisbane river is a meandering old river which is very prone to flooding when the rain does not stop for a couple of weeks. The last flood was earlier this year and although not as bad as it can be, many houses, businesses and garages under big unit buildings got flooded.And very striking with those stripes @joanstewart. I am back in West End next week so will check out if it is still about. I would love to meet adult members of its family, I have read although I thought they were found only in Australia I was wrong. According to wikipedia they live in Russia, China, Japan, Korea and Borneo etc. Thank goodness for google!

Birds on the move throw one out when seeing them the first time. Interesting to learn where or why the movement transpired.

Flash floods in drier countries is on the rise with weather change, some places have their sporadic heavy falls every couple of years.