Hello guys. I hope you all had a wonderful day as I certainly did.
I am very grateful to God for allowing my life reach this period of the year. The last Wednesday it is. A very special one of course. I am so excited to share how my walk went.
Today was a very auspicious day to have a walk. It coincided with a very important day in the calendar of Medical Students' Association (MSA) in the University for Development Studies. We organize an annual health week celebration. The theme for this year's week was " A Nourished Future. Giving the Malnourished Child a Chance". As part of the week, a day is dedicated to having a health walk across the principal streets of Tamale.
The setting of the walk was that of a truck with musical instruments in front and the walkers following the truck whilst singing and dancing.
Once the walk almost began, we were given T-Shirts with details of this year's health week. This is to help spread awareness to the entire populace as we walk.
We started the walk at the Jubilee Park in Tamale. We used the main town road which leads to the Tamale town center. Accompanying us were police officers to make sure everything goes on smoothly without any misconduct or chaos being caused. They really did a good work in guiding our movements on the road.
We got to the town center which has as part of it main branches of the famous banks we have in Ghana such as Stanbic bank. There are also so many shopping centers such as Fosmuel Shopping center around.
Our final destination was the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH) which is on the oppisite side of where we were walking. The main road is a double road so we had to take a curve and then move towards the Tamale Teaching Hospital.
As we took the turn, the walk became more interesting as new members of the association joined us at that point. Everybody was geared up and the whole mood of the float changed.
At a point, I got really tired and had to jump on the truck to rest small. I came down again because the mood of the walkers was really "mad". I wanted to enjoy every bit of it.
After a long walk on the principal street of Tamale, we finally got to TTH which was our final destination. We scheduled our opening ceremony to happen there. So without any delay we went inside the conference room to kickstart the program. We had some prominent Doctors and Professors speaking to us about the importance of nutrition and disadvantages of malnutrition to children.
After the opening ceremony, we ended the day and we look forward to enjoying the rest of the week.
The pictures used in this post are pictures taken of me by the cameraman of the Medical Students' Association (MSA) UDS Chapter.
Thank you so much for reading.
Your Friend.......Abdul-Rashid!
a great theme for the walk and great to see so many people enjoying the walk
Thanks for joining the Wednesday, I always love seeing all the walks shared from around the world, its like a virtual world tour
It was a really amazing walk. Full of fun. Thank you so much for sharing your view on it. 🤗💫
And thank you for the vote as well.
I really appreciate your support. 🙏