Night walk through Dalt Vila, Ibiza's old town
We went deep into the old town of Ibiza in this Wednesday Walk. If I remember correctly, the walk took place especially on the Tuesday after Halloween. Although it was not too late, it was dark because we are already entering winter.
Some time ago I shared data from a nearby castle area, and then I made that walk numerous times, because as the island is small and does not cost with a long coastline, it invites you to make walks in other sectors as is the case of the castle.
Caminata nocturna por Dalt Vila, el casco antiguo de Ibiza
Nos adentramos en el casco antiguo de Ibiza en este Wednesday Walk. Si mal no recuerdo, la caminata tuvo lugar especialmente el martes posterior a Halloween. Aunque no era demasiado tarde, sí que había oscurecido porque ya estamos entrando en el invierno
Hace un tiempo compartí datos de una zona del castillo cercana, y luego realicé esa caminata numerosas veces, porque como la isla es pequeña y no cuesta con una larga costa, invita a hacer caminatas por otros sectores como es el caso del castillo
In this case, after my work contract ended, I resumed with my walks, my Yoga and my training. It was a tough summer where for the first time since I remember starting to move when I was 16 years old, I spent more than 4 months almost without training (with sporadic walks), eating very badly and drinking a lot of alcohol for what I'm used to.
I had two options in the summer: either I worked and the rest of the time I exercised and continued working on my projects as HIVE, or I worked and enjoyed the island and my social life.
Since my routines consisted of 8 hours and 15 minutes of work and 4 hours of commuting by bus 6 times a week, plus my 6-7 hours of sleep, I decided that the remaining time I would give myself to flow without worrying too much. So of course I exercised, but as much as I could, as I could.
En este caso, después de que finalizara mi contrato de trabajo, retomé con mis caminatas, mi Yoga y mi entrenamiento. Fue un verano duro en donde por primera vez desde que recuerdo haber empezado a moverme a mis 16 años, pasé más de 4 meses casi sin entrenar (con caminatas esporádicas), comiendo muy mal y tomando bastante alcohol para lo que estoy acostumbrada.
Tenía dos opciones en el verano: o trabajaba y el resto del tiempo ejercitaba y seguía trabajando en mis proyectos como HIVE, o trabajaba y disfrutaba de la isla y de mi vida social.
Como mis rutinas consistían en 8 horas con 15 minutos de trabajo y 4 horas de desplazamiento en bus 6 veces por semana, sumado a mis 6-7 horas de sueño, pues decidí que el tiempo restante me entregaría a fluir sin preocuparme demasiado. Entonces claro que ejercitaba, pero lo que podía, como podía.
Then my contract ended and I set out to resume my beloved training, and I was lucky that one of my colleagues at work joined them. Cris, a girl who works in administration, was looking for a boost to get back to her routines as well. So she joined several of my walks.
This time it was Cris who suggested going towards a part of Dalt Vila, the old part of the city. Although we did not climb the castle, we did walk through the museum area and several of its small streets.
The path was wonderful, not only for our legs, but we also came across phrases and images that we never imagined we would see.
Entonces terminó mi contrato y me dispuse a retomar mi amado entrenamiento, y tuve la suerte que una de mis compis del trabajo se sumó a ellos. Cris, una chica que trabaja en administración, estaba buscando un impulso para regresar también a sus rutinas. Así que se sumó a varias de mis caminatas.
En esta ocasión fue Cris quien sugirió ir hacia una parte de Dalt Vila, la parte vieja de la ciudad. Aunque no subimos el castillo, sí que caminamos por la zona del museo y varias de sus callecitas.
El sendero fue maravilloso, no solo para nuestras piernas, sino que además nos encontramos con frases e imágenes que jamás nos imaginamos que veríamos.
For example, there was a pirate mermaid. There was also a whole facade decorated for Halloween that was really scary and when we stopped to look at it, a man appeared among mannequins and decorative monsters. There was also a sign that said Good girls go to heaven, I come to Ibiza. Many details that with the crowds of people in the middle of summer, neither of us had seen.
I thought this walk was wonderful, as it added a lot of fun to the outing, which also consisted of an intense walk, with ups and downs of more than an hour.
Por ejemplo, había una sirena pirata. Además había toda una fachada decorada de Halloween que realmente daba miedo y cuando nos detuvimos a mirarla, un hombre apareció por entre maniquíes y monstruos decorativos. También había un cartel que decía Las chicas buenas van al cielo, yo vengo a Ibiza. Muchos detalles que con la muchedumbre de gente en pleno verano, ninguna de las dos había visto.
Me pareció maravillosa esta caminata, pues aportó mucha diversión a la salida, que igualmente consistió en un paseo intenso, con subidas y bajadas de más de una hora.
WorldMapPin code: [//]:# (!worldmappin 38.90801 lat 1.43455 long Night walk through Dalt Vila, Ibiza's old town d3scr)
Device: iPhone 12 Pro
Translation: DeepL
Dispositivo: iPhone 12 Pro
Traducción: DeepL

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¡Con mucho gusto!
Ibiza old town looks so impressive and traditional I like it in the evening light, so charming 🤩
Yes! It’s charming and also mysterious!
It looks like a quiet little town nearby the ocean. Loved the street and the "yellow vibes".
Yes! It’s absolutely beautiful! Specially in this time of the day, just before night. Thanks a lot for stopping by!
No need to. Loved the night pics and the writing
what an amazing place like going back in time with allthe arch ways and cobble stone streets
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day
Oh thanks a lot!! It’s great that you like these pictures! I agree, it’s like traveling back in time. The place has its magic.
Thanks a lot for your comment!!
The old town is beautiful. I'm so glad you took up exercising again. It's something that is part of you. The schedule was a bit tough. Now everything is flowing smoothly. : )
I can see you enjoyed yourself in all yours walks.
I loved the street views, the old town looks quite beautiful.
Happy resumption on your exercise.
The cathedral looks quite massive.
Thanks for sharing.