The paintings on the pillars - evening walk!

in Wednesday Walk7 months ago

Amidst the excitement and the mesmerising beauty of decades old buildings blending seamlessly with modern technology, the bridge on the far side of the street caught my eye. Later that evening I'd head out for a walk in the city and make my way to the bridge.

Retrospect is 20/20. And in hindsight this might not have been the best decision. I feel like I cosplayed the clueless victim in every horror movie that walks towards the strange noise.


The bridge itself isn't too far from the city centre. However, it isn't the most convenient place to walk into at night. There was no one else and the street was only filled with cars. A metal staircase would take you up to a street junction but when I turned left it was the armed and manned gate of the port.

The human figure holding up the bridge caught my eye. I thought it had a manly structure with broad shoulders and detailed abs. But upon a closer look, it looked more like a woman. Which actually makes more sense. It might be a true metaphor of how woman are in fact who carry the world on their shoulders.


Most of these murals can be seen clearly from above. But from under the bridge, they aren't too visible. I walked around looking for the others but the only one close was this.


What does it say? Streem? Stroem? I don't know. Maybe a sign of the artist?
Beats me.

After walking all the way down, I saw the murals became less grandiose. You can see a faint silhouette of a man with a top hat followed by a half portrait and then nothing.



I am not sure what I was looking for but I felt content and went back to walking the swirly roads lined by brick buildings laid decades ago. It is such a peaceful walk. It is a bit unreal to imagine that these streets were ruled by emperors and the times they were built were so different. Horse carriages in place of cars, and a lifestyle we only know little of from books that survived the tides of time.

The monotonous colours of the empire buildings, which are now either government offices or living spaces, has a sort of calming feeling. They were once governed with much command and strictness. Now those powers have disappeared and people live a better life.



These walls must have seen so much. Things we do might not even know of now.
Not to mention poverty, evil, sickness, power shifts and what not. Now there are kebab shops and cafes with people enjoying a nice little break at the end of the day.


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Those are some interesting murials, quite urban and colourful. Thanks for sharing.

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I think they're commissioned by the city to make the pillars less boring. What do you think?

I think they are a nice improvement.

Beautiful architecture GOD willing you take care of it for many more years The murals give an urban and jovial touch. Nice pictures, blessings.

They've survived very long. With some care, they should stick around for much longer. Its only about 9 years ago since I started appreciating older architecture

It takes a man to do those pillar paintings, wow...
Nice picture rights there, have a great day.

Not sure who did those paintings. Man woman robot. Who knows. But they're very nice. Here we have grafitti under bridges and in Ukraine it was the same.