I have been pretty open about how much I try to keep myself away from too much nature. My comfort bubble is a metropolitan city. I was born in one and I simply love it. Yes, it is dense and there is so much around, but that is what makes it so comfortable to me. Turn your head around in any direction and chances are you'll find what you are in the market for. There is an abundance of inspiration and motivation, at least depending on what kind of inspiration you're looking for. It fits my criteria perfectly. Even in such a bustling place, I have found ways to create my own bubble of peace and quiet.
But I tried something different. Doesn't hurt to, of course. The WW challenge has also played its part in it. Look at me, walking around in the snow when I absolutely hated it. Look at me again, wandering off into places where there are more trees than buildings. "The idea is to get out for a short walk", I think I tricked my brain with this into trying new things out.
The place isn't too far away from my comfort zone. But oh so beautiful. I have begun learning to snowboard and honestly my body isn't in the greatest shape. So I am trying to get out there and walk longer than usual, making sure to get as much fresh oxygen as possible and getting the blood flowing.
The walk was...interesting. Lots of things to see and enjoy that I wouldn't otherwise. It was really wonderful to walk between the trees on the soft snow and look up.
"Crown Shyness", it is called.
It is basically the top of the trees that do not overlap or touch each other. It has a very mesmerizing visual effect too.
There were some other cool visual effects, too. For example, the barks changed in color as they went higher. It had more of a dusty brown color at the bottom to a brighter reddish color on top. When I stood close to a tree, it had a beautiful effect, especially with the white snow underneath.
At the far end, there is a frozen lake. I've added some pictures above. It is surrounded by golden grass with the top of some houses sticking out.
I found this broken tree on one side. It brought about a very peculiar shape. Looks like it has been broken for some time now. On the bottom, it had dark green moss growing on it and on the top a very contrasting fresh layer of snow. I thought it looked really interesting so I captured a picture of it.
In a nutshell, it was nice to get out there. Get some much needed exercise and take a small step outside the comfort bubble. It is obviously not something I will do every day but it is certainly fitting for some change in my regular schedule. Come summer, this place is a 100% no-go. Can't stand mosquitos and bugs. The water will be very tempting, though.
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Rising Star
For me it is the opposite I grew up in a small town and love rural areas and always felt overwhelmed in a big city especially the concrete jungle of NYC but I did get used to working there but had king commutes to live somewhere quieter
But WOW you really got out of your comfort zone for this walk I’m not sure if I should be proud the Wednesday walk inspired you to take this walk or to apologize for dragging you out of your comfort zone
I loved your post and walk
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
I should thank you. I am sure there are more like myself that owe some level of their creativity, health or more to your challenge.
That’s so kind if you to say