Again in Circus Park

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago (edited)

Every walk is an extra pleasure that we can all afford, it's free and brings many benefits beyond the health benefits that I pursue first and foremost, I enjoy the fact that walking helps me to enjoy another passion, the passion of photography.

When walking through the city, on the streets full of people, I use my smartphone to take pictures as discreetly as possible, to capture people behaving most naturally. They are generally photos taken on the run, without any preparation or study.

Instead, while walking in the park, I enjoy taking pictures with my camera, in silence, looking for images I like.

Again in Circus Park

This is a small park with a lot to offer to those who want to relax and stroll, including many beautiful and photogenic spots.


I did many walks in the Circus Park in Bucharest and, as a consequence, I have many photos and used many of them in my posts, most of them with the pond in the middle.


Now I'm posting some photos of the entrance to the park, before the pond was seen.


I can tell these are pictures from the top of the park.


But I can't stay up that high, I need to see the water, the vegetation, and the birds a few meters below.


A hundred years ago there was a brick factory here. The bricks were made from clay taken from there, and a big pit was dug. The factory disappeared but the pit remained and filled with water because of some springs nearby. This marvelous park was laid out around the pit which became a pond.


We have a wonderful fall which also contributes to the beauty of the place.


Fall colors!


Wild ducks have become more than domestic, they are city dwellers.


All parks in the city, if they have a lake or pond, then they have a lot of wild ducks.


My favorite walk in my favorite park.


Looking forward to the next ride which will be next month.

I always start with photos when I want to write a blog. Photos remind me of places, events, and feelings that turn into words...

Since we all love photography, let’s explore the captivating details captured in these photos.!

A wise saying goes that a photograph is worth a thousand words, but I don't think so.

It depends on the viewer.

Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss.

Wednesday Walk, every Wednesday, like this one today.This is one of the recommendations made by @tattoodjay for those who prefer walking and are used to sharing impressions and photos in his community,

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I love it when there is like a gallery of trees and then the staircase to the pond. It's so beautiful to see how the branches fall with their leaves and that beautiful autumn colour. A wonderful walk.😃

I seldom take photos with people in them in the city streets, I guess I have a phobia with someone getting upset with me LOL

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

I love this adventure, the environment so full of nature's touch.
I can imagine the amount of freshness from the environment.
I enjoyed the tour on your post. 🥰

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @dimascastillo90 from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our