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RE: Wednesday Walk Signs of Christmas in the Historic District

in Wednesday Walklast year

That's just about the most perfect representation of a small town Christmas I can imagine. The streets and lights look amazing all lit up! What a beautiful area you live in! I wish you continued luck with all of your medical stuff.


thanks they sure have decorated it beautifully
I did plan to go back now that the city hall tree is lit, but with having sinus infections and the cold temp I have bene sensible and not going out for walks

I know the surgery is still just over 6 weeks away and maybe i could risk it now but my wife is stressed enough about it I dont want to do anything that stresses her out more

and I still havent got an appointment with the cardiologist for his check and clearance pre surgery sso who knows if the date will stay the same

Yeah, best just to take it easy so that what they need to do will be as effective as possible! Be well my friend!

yes exactly I do miss taking photos but may do some more creative ones in the basement here LOL