My Magical wednesday walk on the northern tip of Australia

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago (edited)

Hello there to all my my wonderful team #WednesdayWalk Created by the inspiring @Tattoodjay, I hope that you are all well and have had a magical day today and a great week so far.

So as we had one whole day of summer at 30c and then the next day it dropped down to 9c and rainy, I'm a bit sick of the cold, so I thought that while I'm still in Far North Queensland mode from last week, I would take you on a walk a bit further north to the historical town of Cooktown- ofcourse, named after Captain James Cook who had to beach his ship the Endeavour there for repairs back in 1770.

Cooktown has about 2600 people in it and sits at the mouth of the Endeavour River

It's a great little place to visit with some really nice hotels, motels and resorts, plus some delicious restaurants and a an absolute fantastic museum full of some incredible artifacts from it's long and diverse Indigenous, European and Asian history and it really put a smile on my dial when I was there with my best mate Lisa a few years ago, so @ElizaCheng and everyone else here today, I hope that it #makesmesmile and makes YOU smile too.

And if you want to know more about it, check out Trip Advisor here


Anyhow, we start our #WednesdayWalk driving up the #MulliganHwy from #PortDouglas and crossing the 'Little Annan' on the causeway here, AFTER stopping for lunch and some great photos (which ofcourse I can't find at the moment...) Anyway, the #LionsDen is a must stop on your journey up there.

And this is the Causeway across the Little Annan below
the causeway.JPG

Then up to the Grassy Hill Lighthouse when we get there late afternoon





The Endeavour River


And some of the beautiful locals
yellow flowers.JPG

red flowers2.JPG


leopard leaf.JPG

light pink flowers.JPG

red flowers.JPG

And then back to the Seaview motel for sunset drinks on the veranda before dinner.

golden view 2.JPG

So I hope that you enjoyed this little trip to Cooktown as much as I did and hopefully we'll, all be able to go there again someday soon.

Such a shame that I cannot find the rest of my photos of the actual town....sorry...😱😢🙄

And so I hope to see you all again next week for another wonderful #WednesdayWalk with @tatoodjay and #MakemeSmile with @ElizaCheng!


Wondering who this awesome girl gang is below? Then just click on the banner made by the gorgeous @theKittyGirl to join the Ladies Of Hive and #HiveOn my peeps


And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs are my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😀
Photos taken on an OLD iphone se back in the day....

If you have made it this far, then you are absolute champions and I thank you so much for reading my blog tonight and I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
❤️❤️❤️❤️All love and support from you in whatever way is greatly appreciated!❤️❤️❤️❤️**



What a great day out. full of interesting contrast. Really enjoyed these pictures.

Thank you yes, It was a great day out- a great long weekend infact and I really wish I could find the rest of the photos that I took from there,but alas, no where to be found they were.

Did you see my post from last Wednesday? It was the start of the journey from the Daintree Rainforest. Have you been there before??

If you liked the Cooktown walk- you'll love this place even more! It is truly magical. I don't think that there is another place like it in the world- except for maybe the Amazon...

So glad that you enjoyed them and thanks so much for letting me know, I really appreciate it.

And now you know where to go for your next holiday- when we all can...😀

Well, I followed the link to an absolutely wonderful place. The greenery is so bright. The one thing I miss about the UK is greenery. I don't miss anything else just the greenery. I now live on a yellow stone island. we don't have a lot of greenery here.

It looks as if you are like me, you lose photographs. Even when I find them I can't recognise them. It would be good to see more of those you do have.
Thanks for such a great post.

Oh I'm so glad that you found my secret hideout...Well, when I'm not in lockdown a weeks drive south...

Yes I miss the greenery too and now that I live in an apt surrounded by other gray apts, gray streets, gray buildings, gray footpaths, I have tried to make my apt into a nano rainforest.

A yellow stone Island, Sounds like it's quite....barren and stony....

Unfortunately, I've had a couple of harddrives full of photos die.

Some are backed up onto google photos and I thought icloud too, but it doesn't appear that I cloud is as good at auto backing up as I thought...Hopefully they are there somewhere, but with tens of thousands of photos.....

Well, please feel free to go for a virtual walk in the rainforest when ever you want!

And I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. I look forward to bumping into you wandering about the hive too.

Until then, take care and be safe.

Beautiful landscapes! This beacon is so small, but so proud of its important function.

It is a sensational landscape that I cannot take the credit for, only Mother Nature can do that, But I am so glad that you enjoyed it and thanks so much for letting me know! 😀

Unfortunately the photos from that old phone don't do it justice though!☹️

You are very right with the title, it represents very well this walk we took through Cooktown.
This place is beautifully magical, the view of the place is a beautiful recreation to behold, and the perfume of the flowers enraptures the soul.
I really appreciate that you took us with you to see Cooktown. Now eager to know what is going to be next week. Until thenHello dear friend @chocolatescorpi good day

Have a wonderful week, enjoy yourself very much

Oh, eres muy bienvenido y estoy muy contento de que te haya gustado.
Sin embargo, desearía poder encontrar el resto de las fotos ... Tomé Taantas veces, siempre lo hago ...

Y también estoy ansioso por su gira de hoy, pero me temo que tendré que alcanzarlos mañana ya que se está haciendo tarde y estoy muy cansado, así que me voy a dormir ahora.

¡Espero verte aquí mañana por la noche!

Buenas noches amigo mío y yo esperamos que la vida te vaya muy bien a ti y a tu familia hoy y que mañana sea aún mejor.

have wonderful dreams dear friend @chocolatescorpi undoubtedly we will read tomorrow


What a fabulous spot for a walk wonderful views a cool lighthouse and some beautiful flowers

thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Wonderful pictures, I love the flowers and the Grassy Hill Lighthouse.
In my area, here is the lighthouse we have hihi, is quite different ;)

Thanks, it really is a special place, but not quite as special as this one though.
Prepare to fall into magic and mystery...

I hope you enjoy that journey into another realm and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Big, fat hugs back to you too thanks hun! 😊