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RE: Wednesday walk: nice trail to walk dogs in Szeged, Hungary

Though it doesn't really matter where you go, dogs are alway so entertaining and can be entertained so easily, but it's great to see that you do have such a great area to walk with them!

And they are both gorgeous dogs too!

From that angle I can't tell what the black and white one is, but the little brown one almost looks like he/she could be half Daschund?

I am also a dog- animal lover too! 😃 This is me..Nice to meet you and I look forward to seeing you again some time.


The brown one is half dachs and half fox terrier (known parents), behaves like a dachs totally. The white one is definitely part fox terrier because also behaves like one (unknown parents), but there is maybe some whippet there because he is really slim. Or maybe he is a small pharaoh dog acting like a foxi.
They can be entertained easily, but how tired they get really depends on the quality of entertainment. The more tired they are, the better :D