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RE: Wednesday Walking Back to Fae Land

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

What are the fae, are they a bird species?

Love the rock over there! Those types of things always interest me to find them while out on a hike. If we can get some more packing done this week, I'd love to take our son out for a nice hike. It's been many weeks since we've hit the trails!

You and Hattie should get yourself a pair of snowshoes! Those things are a killer way to get out there and do some good hiking while not being afraid of losing your footing. The cleats on them are what makes it better. We tried hiking in the late winter when things were melting but it was miserable how slippery it was. Went to a local second hand sporting good store and grabbed a pair of snow shoes for the little man for 40$ and bam we were golden! (my dad bought me a pair a few years ago). Best investment we made for going out for hikes in the winter lol plus damn good exercise having to lift your feet so high.


The fae are the fairy folk, lol - we like to hunt for them in the quarries and forests nearby. lots of fun (haven't found them yet, but I have actually heard some stories in the area).

That's a good idea about snowshoes. I remember looking at some from my YT van lifers, but they were out of the budget! I'll have to stake some second hand stores in the area...that would help a bunch in the winter as a lot of trails are horrible.