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RE: In Search Of The Great Iroquois Park Fire

Were they the same ones that set Siberia on fire?

On a more serious note, I'm inclined to trot out Hanlon's razor again. What need have you for malicious actors when you have regular, run of the mill human asshattery? The deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California's history, the Camp Fire (not making that name up) was a power company fuckup. I've watched drunken idiots build massive fires in the middle of a complete burn ban, it doesn't take much of that to get a proper mess going.

I was out west when everything was on fire in 2017 (that's when the run-in with the drunks happened) but I'm guessing you're referring to the fires in 2020 when everyone was hunting antifa?

You wouldn't happen to have an idea of dates for those fires would you? I don't recall them respecting international borders but I also don't recall getting any real information on where they did stop, you've made me curious to see what the satellite data shows.

Thanks for dropping by!


There were a bunch of arrests, most of whom were immediately released. I remember one guy was arrested 6 times in one day for starting fires. I also recall seeing the pics of the fires reaching to the Canadian border, and none on the Canadian side. The chief government agent of the state fire control apparatus resigned after taking a hard line on the arsonists, and stated he had personally overstepped his authority by searching one of his employees home for bodies, so they would't have to do it themselves.

I was on a different computer then, which isn't spun up, or I'd share a few pics and memes to satisfy your curiosity.