The deceptive mind of young girls on the street: my Wednesday Walk experience

in Wednesday Walklast year

so funny to gather this experience to day and i feel it funny as such i couldn't keep it to my self rather i deem it wise to share it here.
some girls are funny, they think that every young man excusing them on the street want to woo (chyke) them.

There was a day precisely a Monday i was going to a fuel station to buy petrol for my generator as i do daily. It also happened to be a popular market day in my area (Afaha Nsit Market day). So i met a young girl who was going to the market with a twenty five gallon full of palm oil.

tragically, her phone rang and she put down her hand from the gallon on her head to respond to her phone call. you could imagine how it choke me seeing her taking down her hand from the gallon in this present economy where palm oil of that quantity is very costly.

To my mind i thought of advising her not to repeat such act. so i quickly beckoned on her and warned her not to do so again as such act could cost her a regret stressing that the oil at the present time is more costly than the phone call.

her respond necessitated this post. her respond in quote "Not what you are thinking, it was not a boyfriend that called me

rather my aunty". this respond muted me and quietly left her.

many girls now a day, their mindset have been so deceived to the extent that they think even the call they are making people are suspecting then to be receiving call from their boyfriend. Please help tell them that it is not everyone that assume this way.

One might ask why using this image with this post. for the respect i have for humanity i reserve the girl pics and rather go for photos of this hard working hunter that i also met on my way during the wednesday work for that day.

the hunter operated the Python and the other animal swallowed by the python as you can see in the photo.

that was my wednesday walk experience.


Poor animals! Gross.

The man "no gree for the animal" at all, country hard oo

Crazy story
The hunter did love his job and made formidable poses for these photos.

What a pity for the animal.
Nice walk man!!