Underpass up date

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Well Hive folks it's been a couple of weeks since the Council started renovating the underpasses at the Pen Inn Roundabout but finally all 4 routes have been finished. I've done a post on the first two with the dogs.


And old photos of the Penn Inn swimming pool,


Now sadly long on to make way for the Sainsbury supermarket. the new additions have incorporated a cycling theme.


And some local children.


I did get the chance to chat with a couple of the workmen and the artist, the hope is that because a lot of the locals and schools have been involved in the montages and ceramics there will be less likely hood of any vandalism. Fingers crossed on that one.

in addition to all the artwork theatre is also some ceramics included in each of the walls.


and a lot of work has gone into those.

one of the more unusual additions is a couple of fairground hall of mirrors.


I always wanted to be taller.


these create some amusing effects, as you can see.


The last underpass to be finished is the north entrance coming from Buckland.


Now that has an extremely colourful wild life theme bugs and bees.


So Hivers if nothing else my walks into town will be a bit more interesting from now on.


that is so cool lets hope the art will be left alone and not damages, love the variety of styles and the mirrors are a fun touch

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

100% it’s made a dull and drab experience in to a fun trip