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RE: -My Wednesday Walk with 2 Beloved Guardian Angels💕

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago

Editing 2 year old posts now?

and stop using @czander's account to reblog things. You've destroyed three accounts now with your inability to stop masquerading as people other than yourself.

Because of your greed, you've destroyed your son's account. How terrible.

no amount of reblogs from his account will change the fact that you destroyed his chances at having his own untarnished reputation on Hive.

Stop the activity. If I see it continuing and involving my name or DreemPort or anything DreemPort related, I'm going to start downvoting regularly Cherry

I've given you every chance, and you seem to think I'm not going to follow through. That's fine. You will learn the easy way or the hard way. I'm downvoting this post. Even though it's 2 years old, and has no weight on your account, I want it to be clear to you and anyone who sees your edits, that every time you persist to involve me or DreemPort in your nonsense, I will respond.

You can try to spin this in any way you like..I'm telling you now that I've ignored you in the past and that didn't seem to help you understand.

Now I'm going to downvote your actions. Hopefully, that finally clicks into your head that your behavior isn't going to be tolerated. Not as you, not you pretending to be czander and not you pretending to be Navi...or any future account you create.

make better choices, Cherry.


Hello Ma'am its me czander! I dont what are you talking about but my mom didnt do anything. Its really me Michael Zander Erlano Bote last time I try to join in PYPT and I want in voice chat but I cant join. I think this is misunderstanding my mom have own account and me too. Sir @naviii is everyday talking on me on tweeter or X and I asking if I can use his other picture that he captured. If my Sir @naviii give me a permission to post the picture of our conversation i hope you understand that my mom dont doing anything to my account and Sir @naviii ... If you still cant believe that I am czander I am sorry but I do all to make you believe. Im sorry if I saying you to this Ma'am but my mom cried to your words. Please I am begging stop please. I can prove it to you Ma'am I will voice chat you on discord:).
That all Ma'am. God bless!

There is no misunderstanding.

If you are unaware that your mom has posted as you, and commented as you, and pretended to be you for months, and continued to lie - as you, then I'm sorry that you're hearing about this for the first time.

Your account has been permanently disabled in DreemPort because of your mother's actions. I told her this, and asked her to tell you months ago, but I'm guessing that she didn't tell you because she is too ashamed of her behavior.

I have also talked to Navi, and he hasn't written anything recently. He only reblogged a post recently. So there is no reason for your mother to tell people to go support a blog that isnt being used by him - unless she is once again planning on writing for it - as she did for your account.

I have entire conversations of her admitting to this, so I'm very sorry that she has ruined this account and the reputation for you. I'm also very sorry that I'm the one who needs to tell you - but since she has chosen to hide her actions - and now she is sending you to cover for her - well, this is how it must be.

And yes, your mom should be crying over this. It's terrible what she has done, and she should feel very ashamed about ruining her own son's account.

It's quite a vicious thing to do as a mother.

Please stop reblogging anything DreemPort related from the czander account. They are old posts anyway, so I'm not sure why you're reblogging them as they have absolutely no bearing on the present. (which is why the behavior is suspect.) DreemPort is no longer accessible to all three accounts because of Cherry's inability to behave honestly.

You can tell your mom the same. If she would like to continue writing on Hive - she should feel free to do so! The second that she involves DreemPort or anything related to DreemPort, I will respond.

The choice is hers.

Hello Ma'am! Its me again:)... Im sorry if you think I defending her because she is my mom its not like that but since last PYPT i joined I talk with my voice and our phone is destroyed so we cant work. Im always using the phone and posting what in my mind even my games like Roblox

Im sorry but I am honest all post I Made is on facebook app and my family is always reading it.
Im happy here in Hive and have a good friends... My Mom and I is trying our best here. Im sorry Ma'am but I am honest too. My Mom is saying me always what she doing even some problems. I put some locks on my account so she cant login it and I hide my keys so she cant open it but I am sorry Ma'am if my Mom do wrong please forgive here and me too if I do wrong here in Hive. I am saying the truth because I always here with my Mom. Please I hope you understand it:(... God bless!

It doesn't matter to me anymore...

all three accounts are not allowed on DreemPort because of Cherry's dishonesty.

She has already admitted to doing this, so I'm sorry if you were unaware of what she had done with your account.

But she did admit this to me. You can continue posting on Hive, that has nothing to do with me.

DreemPort is no longer accessible to any account that has been tampered with by Cherry.

Sorry for you, that's very unfair that she did this to you.

But..this is what happens with dishonest people .They hurt many people, and their actions destroy much

I wish you good luck on Hive. Hopefully, she will stop causing problems with your account and make better choices.

Hey guys! This is me Navi, I'll be using this account when I've some time. No one else have used my account recently except me.

Regarding supporting my account I'm not saying anyone to support neither I want it. I'll write some blog when I'm comfortable :)

Hi Navi, Cherry, and Czander,

Unfortunately Cherry did admit to using the Navi account in the past. Not only to post but also to comment .

She was asking for people to support your blog when you weren't using it and also another account that she was using for herself.

This might not be a problem for Hive, but it got her banned on DreemPort.

I'm sure she can find lots of other communities where she can write!

I'm surprised you found this post from 2 years ago to comment on!

-Blessed morning Ma'am @dreemsteem, I already explained my side on the main post. You already heard the side of @czander and @naviii and all were the truth. And Again I am sorry for whatever I have done wrong. I am not a perfect person because nobody is perfect, all of us are committing mistakes unintentionally. Sometimes we do things in the KIND way not the right way for good of others and pure good intention to help others, sacrificing our safety and risk, to be the strength to others and encourage them, especially when I am seeing them loosing their confidence or facing difficulties. I have been so honest the reason why I told you about that but it doesn't mean I was doing it all the time. I can't stay long hours facing the phone aside from @czander is also using it for his studies and research then online games. Grèediness never enter my heart, I help without asking in return, or without even the need for them to ask, when I give I do it with too much happiness because it feels great, I know the feeling of being in need. Not only about material things but more on prayers. If possible anonimously even with people who treating me badly. I help And I always follow what @naviii advised me to do "KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS" And you also taught us to be helpful when we were in UU. I thank you for everything that you have done to me and @czander, I will never forget that, and gonna be in my heart forever. Reading all your comments I cried and God knows why! Because of remembering the good and the bad things. Even with my family @czander and to @naviii I always telling them that you have a golden heart! And God knows how I pray for the best blessings for you and your family, that you may reached many peoples lives with your kind heart.❤. Sorry and thank you very much! I love you Ma'am with sincerity! God bless you in Jesus name. Amen!🙏

Yes, the three accounts that you have controlled have all come to leave the same message that you have.

and they do not match what you have confessed in private in my dm...which I still have all copies of your conversation.

This is why the three accounts have lost the ability to use DreemPort.

Please stop continuing this conversation. It makes no sense to continue with the same drama . Let it go, and move on.

Enjoy your journey on Hive. I hope you make better choices in the future.