thanks! glad to be back! hehehe
and yessssss - sadly - i forgot to mention this in the post... but Granite Point - that first lookout spot - the whole road to it will be closed for a year and a half - very shortly!!! :(
that means visitors won't get up there until late 2023 i think! isn't that sad???
I'm so glad that we got there before they closed the road. They're closing it for repairs.
but I'm like really???? 1.5 years for road repairs?!?!?! they didn't look that bad to me! LOL
That's a shame but I think it'll be longer than that before I get my shit together enough to get back over stateside for a trip. Guess the roads worse off than it looks, or they got a running deal with the roadworks crew.
my vote is on the running deal cuz I drove over it and I don't remember anything that stood out as "bad roads" lol
they would be better off spending some money on those glorified outhouses... cuz... PUKE.
fair play and never changes. I have been in one comfy public toilet lately. It was called a tree.
Low maintenance, and eco friendly.
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL you always crack me up!