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RE: Tales of a Tree and other Stories

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago

Haha! Eastern Brown snake. Impressive little buggers. Not in a good way either. Oh yes, spring is in the air and there's a lot of Twitterpatting going on. Soon everybody will get what they need or want and then things will come down, relatively so. Beautiful as it is, spring is one of those times where I don't like beating the bushes down.


Twitterpatting. 😂

Twitterpated love-struck romantically infatuated... didn't you ever watch Walt Disney's Bambi? Or were you just making fun of the way I misspelled it? Confess!

I've seen Bambi, and even knew a girl called Bambi, but that's another story altogether.

I wasn't making fun, it's not a word I'd know how to spell...Or even one I know. I must have missed that part in Bambi. I've been twitterpated though. It happens.

What's going on there? Cross-species twitterpating?


Lol... noooo! It's like a school day oh, he's teaching them a lesson. They're all friends. I've had to watch this a million times with the kids.

Oh...Don't I feel like the idiot now.
